Where's Po?

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It was a very thought-provoking question. Where would Po go? While Po figured out the mastery of Chi, he actually figured out how to go through the Spirit Realm to go to different places. He discovered this quite by accident. One moment he was waving away the staff that Master Oogway gave him, then in the Spirit Realm, and then he popped back out next to Tigress in the bathtub! So, he incorporated the help of Master Oogway to direct him around the Spirit Realm so he could map out his way around. Pretty soon, he was able to go from place to far off places that the others had never even heard of. Of course, that he did all of this within the span of three months, irritated Master Shifu since he was still learning how to use Chi.

That wasn't the weird thing about Po's travels. What really confused the others was that he was seen at night caring a bag of food from Mr. Ping's shop and then he would disappear into the Spirit Realm. Knowing fully well that spirits don't eat, the question remained of where the panda would go. "I don't think it's a good thing," Tigress commented. Crane rolled his eyes.

"He could be using the Spirit Realm to give poor people food from other countries. We don't know," Crane suggested.

"Crane's right Tigress," Viper agreed. "Unless Po is willing to tell us more, we can't speculate," Tigress grumbled. Viper would always agree with Crane. She wished Viper would just tell Crane her true feelings instead of just trying to get on his personal side. It was starting to affect her judgment.

"But he won't," Tigress said. "He just keeps saying that it's a part of his...Kung fu experience." Tigress huffed. She wanted to know what Po was doing, but there was no way she could find out, was there? Then her eyes lit up. "I have to find Master Shifu." She rushed out of the kitchen and went to the Hall of Heroes.

"You want to do what?" Shifu asked. Tigress told him again. "Master Tigress, I don't think that would be a wise choice. You have no idea if that would work at all."

"It's worth a try," Tigress said, "Please, Master Shifu. I just want to help protect Po."

"Po can protect himself. You don't have to fear what he's doing in the night," Shifu dismissed her. Tigress sighed. She knew that was the final word. So there was no way of figuring out. Tigress made her way to the library of the Jade Palace. Scores of scrolls and books laid all over the place. It was a real mess. She casually looked around, trying to find either a Kung Fu scroll or something to get her mind off of the situation. Just then, an old book fell from the top of the bookshelf. Tigress read the book and found out that it was just the thing she needed. She memorized what she needed to do, closed the book, and went off to see Po.

Po was in Mr. Ping's shop, trying to stuff the last bit of utensils, clothes, and food into his bag when Tigress came in. "Oh, hey Tigress. What's wrong?"

"Where are you going?" Tigress asked. Po sighed. He knew where this was going.

"Tigress, please. I told you it was just some...Kung Fu experience," Po said, passing Tigress. She stopped him placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Po, I don't want something awful to happen to you. That's why I want to know," Tigress confessed. Po turned around to show a reassuring smile on his face.

"I won't," Po said, placing his arm around her shoulders. "Trust me. What I'm doing is not dangerous. It just has to be a secret." Po said, patting her on the back. Then he walked out of the shop. He walked into the forest where he was sure no one was around. Then with his staff, he made the portal into the spirit realm appear and disappeared. Right behind him was Tigress. She figured out a way to get into the Spirit Realm herself without using the Wuxi Finger Hold. Flower petals suddenly came out of nowhere as she was transported to Master Oogway's tree. In the floating space, she made her way to the rock where the tree stood.

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