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Let's be honest. Anyone else, we would assume that it was just them training hard. But with Po, that's a whole different story. Now, Po has always been one to... try and find an alternate solution to hard things. However, this is something that Po usually doesn't do. And he usually doesn't do it a lot.

Tigress is usually the first one up to use the Training Hall. You can imagine her surprise when she found out she wasn't the first one to the Training Hall. There was Po, practicing with the forest of wooden soldiers. He was getting beat up a little, but he was still standing and holding his ground, but that wasn't what interested Tigress. What interested Tigress was that Po was up before her and he was TRAINING. After Tigress shook her head and wiped her eyes trying to figure out if what she was seeing was real, she called to Po. "Po." When Po heard his name, he didn't immediately stop to look. He knew that if he did, he would get punched in the face, stomach, or... tenders if he stopped now. He decided to wait for the opportunity to jump out of the forest of wooden soldiers, swing on the hanging loops, landing right in front of Tigress. Tigress was more than surprised that he was able to get out of the Training Hall in one piece.

"Hello, Tigress," Po panted, sweating profusely.

"Are you okay?" Tigress asked.

"I'm great!" Po said excitedly. He stretched a bit.

"Why are you up so early?" Tigress asked.

"Well, I actually went to bed a little late trying to do some move I've been working on. Then I wanted to get an early start on the training now." Po sighed one last time. "Well, I'm going to go eat," Tigress smiled. That sounded more like Po. He went off to get something to eat, leaving Tigress there to train by herself. However, after she was done with her training, Po came back to the Training Hall.

"You're going to train again?" Tigress asked.


"Why?" Tigress asked. Not that she didn't want Po to train, but it was admittedly out of character. Po just shrugged.

"I guess I kind of like training. Is that bad," Po asked.

"No, well not yet anyway," Tigress said quietly as Po continued practicing. Fortunately, Po did take breaks to eat and meditate a little which eased Tigress's fears. But three days afterward, Po began skipping the breaks. His breaks were either shortened or skipped. Tigress became more worried than ever. "Po?"

"Yes, Tigress?" Po asked coming off the tumbling tumblers.

"I... I think you and I need to take a walk around the palace. Um... Master Shifu wanted us to do a patrol." Po shrugged and went along with her. The patrol wasn't really a walk in the park. More like a run.

"Come on Tigress, why are you going so slow?" Po asked. Tigress didn't have a problem keeping up, but that wasn't what she wanted Po to do. She was worried that he was going through something that she had gone through once. After their "walk", Po started running up the steps. Po was panting when Tigress got up there.

"Still hate stairs?" Tigress asked.

"No, I'm okay with them," Po said. That was the final confirmation for Tigress. He had it. "I'm going to go train."

"You go on ahead. I need to talk to Master Shifu," Tigress said. Po shrugged and went to the Training Hall. Tigress RAN to Master Shifu. "Master Shifu, I think Po's in trouble."

"What's wrong?" Shifu asked.

"I think... I think he's addicted to training," Tigress said certainly. Shifu looked at Tigress as if she had misspoken. The look in her eye suggested she hadn't made a mistake. Shifu looked towards her.

"Master Tigress, you do know that this is... Po, we're talking about?" Shifu asked. Tigress sighed. She wouldn't believe herself too.

"Please come and see for yourself," Tigress said. With that, Shifu and Tigress went to the Training Hall where Po was viciously punching in the forest of wooden soldiers. With one mighty punch, he completely destroyed a whole line of wooden soldiers.

"Yep, he's addicted," Master Shifu muttered. "Po, come here please." Po walked over to Tigress and Shifu. Tigress couldn't help but notice the subtle lines in his arms and chest. He had grown much much stronger. Tigress quickly shook her head. "Dragon Warrior, we fear that you have become... addicted to your training."

"What?! Of course not. How could I be addicted?" Po asked.

"When's the last time you've eaten," Shifu asked. Po thought about it.

"Breakfast time," Po replied.

"What did you have to eat?" Shifu asked.

"I ate some of Tigress's small soy cubes," Po answered.

"Wait, you've been eating my food?" Tigress exclaimed.

"Tigress, not the issue at hand here," Shifu scowled. "And have you eaten since?"

"Not really," Po replied

"Po, it's way in the afternoon and you haven't had anything to eat," Shifu said.

"Oh come on, I'm not addicted to working out," Po replied.

"Oh? Do you want a dumpling?" Tigress asked, holding one out.

"No thanks I'm not hungry," Po said. Everyone's eyes widened. "I'm not hungry. Why am I not hungry?!" Shifu sighed.

"It's just as I feared. You've become addicted to training. As a result, your appetite has shrunk. Tigress had the same problem for a time as well, which is why she was able to know the signs. Fortunately, she stopped you early. Now, why don't you get something to eat... I mean eat a lot! And get some rest." Po nodded and went to the kitchen with Tigress.

"I can't believe that I almost got addicted," Po said, eating some dumplings. "And that my stomach shrunk."

"It happens. I'm still trying to make sure that I don't overtrain as well," Tigress said, leaning on the doorpost.

"What was it like for you?" Po asked.

"Well, I would practice over and over again until finally I nearly collapsed. It was only thanks to Master Oogway that I stopped. But I still have to regulate my practice. There's just... something-"

"Exciting!" Po finished. Tigress smiled.

"Exactly. There's just something exciting about pushing yourself to the limit. But sometimes we have to rest if we're ever to going to continue on pushing to the limit."

"Why were you so worried that I would be overtraining?" Po asked.

"Because I didn't want to see what happened to me happen to you. I didn't want you to hurt yourself," Tigress said. Po got up and hugged Tigress. Tigress hugged back. She couldn't help but feel the big muscles underneath Po's thick fur. She blushed just thinking about it. Po released her, snapping her out of her daze.

"Thanks, Tigress," Po smiled.

"You're welcome."

"Well, I'm going to bed. I definitely need some rest," Po yawned.

"You do know that this doesn't mean you're completely out of training, right?" Tigress replied.

"I know," Po muttered as he went to bed.

It was the next morning that Po woke up. The rest definitely did some good for him. But there was a slight problem. "OW! My back!" And that's how my Oneshot of "Back Pains" began. ;)

The end

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