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Some of us have felt this at one point.

It was the middle of the night. The shining moon dimly illuminated the sleeping town. The rays of the moon cast against the Jade Palace, causing the bright red palace to have a mystical red hue. The silent wind gently rolled down the mountain and into the village. Even with the tranquility, Po was having a hard time sleeping. Po didn't know why he woke. He didn't feel hungry, he couldn't sleep, and he began thinking of all the things he'd done. He noticed something very profound. Po had been given much. He had a loving father, he finally knew where he came from, he was the Dragon Warrior, he had all the fame and fortune that came with the title, he was loved everywhere, he had great friends, and he had defeated three mega-villains.

He couldn't help but feel like he didn't deserve it.

He accidentally fell out of the sky into the arena where Master Oogway picked him. He usually fumbles and stumbles his way in and out of bad situations. Quite reasonably, why in the world would Master Oogway bother to pick him? It seemed like his life was filled with nothing but mistakes. His real father says that the radish cart was supposed to be there when he was looking for him. First mistake. Being chosen as Dragon Warrior, second mistake. Being able to defeat Tai-Lung and all the other villains, third, fourth, and fifth mistake. Po was beginning to believe that he wasn't worthy of being the Dragon Warrior, and his multiple mistakes were a stark reminder of that. Po got up from his bed and stepped outside. He quietly passed each and every one of the Furious Five until he reached Master Tigress's door, whose door was open for some reason. Po opened the door to see Tigress sleeping soundly. Po could remember the many arguments they had. One was about the validity of his given title. Was Oogway mistaken like Tigress said?

Po was beginning to think she was right. Why would Oogway MEAN to pick him? Sure, he had defeated multiple villains and bad guys, but he still made too many mistakes. One of those mistakes, Po could clearly remember, nearly killed him from a cannon. Po sighed. That sigh was another mistake. "Who's there?" Tigress muttered, trying to focus on her intruder. The sleepiness in her eyes was making it difficult, but she could recognize the black and white fur on Po. "Po? Are you eating again?" She sighed. It was only when her eyes focused that she noticed the panda's frown. "Po? What's wrong," She asked.

"I'm sorry. I was just... going out to think and your door was open and..." He trailed off, too occupied with thoughts. "You can go back to sleep." He turned to leave.

"Po, wait," Tigress said, sitting up in bed. "What's wrong? You look depressed." Po turned back and tried to fake a smile.

"It's nothing really."


Po sighed. He knew he couldn't lie. He walked back and sighed. "I...I don't think I'm worthy to be Dragon Warrior," He said plainly. Tigress was immediately interested. Her sleepiness vanished.

"Why would you say that?" She asked, offering a place on the floor where she sat.

Po sat down. "I was up tonight, and I couldn't help but notice the many, many mistakes that I've made over the years. It made me question if I'm even worthy to be Dragon Warrior."

"What do you mean?"

"Tigress, look at me! I'm the Dragon Warrior, I have great fame, I have amazing friends, two great dads, have everyone's respect, and have you as my best friend. All of these things have been my dream. And I...I keep making mess-ups and mistakes that ultimately put you guys in danger. Why would someone like me take the title of the Dragon Warrior?" Po sighed.

Tigress sat quietly but nodded as a sign of understanding. "What you're going through is completely normal." Po looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I remember when Crane didn't feel worthy. He had been accepted in his academy, got the job of his life, and was finally confident. Except, he didn't feel like he deserved it. I overheard him talking with Viper."

"What did Viper do?"

"I don't know. I stopped listening after that. But I know that you being the Dragon Warrior may look like a mistake but it isn't."

"But what about my many many many many-"

"Annoyances and foul-ups," Tigress smirked. Po sulked. "Po, everyone makes mistakes. Though you're clumsy and make more of them than most, that doesn't mean you're not worthy. Po, you're more than worthy of the title."

"But-" Po was silenced by Tigress's finger placed on his mouth. He blushed and looked at her smiling face.

"But nothing. Master Oogway said something about feeling unworthy. He said, 'All of us are unworthy of the high titles and positions we have. That's why it's called a blessing.'" Po smiled. "Feel better?"

"Yeah, thanks, Tigress," Po replied, yawning.

"Looks like you're ready to go back to bed," Tigress noticed. Po nodded. Tigress kissed Po on the cheek. "To make sure you feel worthy. Goodnight, Po."

"Goo...goodnight Tigress," Po stumbled. He walked back to his bed and went to sleep not believing what just happened. "If I can get a kiss from Tigress," Po reasoned as he went off to sleep, "I guess I am worthy."

The End

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