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Sappy Nappy <333

incoming call

Dream slowly taps his finger on the accept button, still hesitant to do so. "Dream! Are you still at Niki's?" Sapnap asks through the phone. Dream just stood there, middle of the sidewalk, staring at the cobblestone ground. "hello? Dream?" Sapnap repeated Dreams name.

"Oh, uh no. I just left.." The masked man responded

"Dammit. oh well. You alright?" Sap asked, worry lacing his voice.

"Uh.. Yeah, just... distracted I guess"

"Well, be safe getting yourself home. Lots of cuddles await you!"

"heh, I will" Dream smiled at the thought, Sapnap always knew how to cheer him up. Dreams light smile dissipated as he thought about the new man he had just met. "Bye bye! See you soon! I love you!" The smile on the other side of the phone was audible. Sapnap really was excited to see him. It wasn't that dream wasn't excited to see his lover, but rather was nervous to face him. Fearful to tell his one and only that there was another. "Bye. Love you too sappy." Dream soon disconnected the call.

Dream took the long way home. The bread and coffee he had picked up at the cafe, were no longer warm, but it didn't bother the masked man. He just wanted to delay his inevitable arrival.
Dream stopped at a tree and sat at its base. He grabbed his food out of the bag and began to eat as he thought. His mask was discarded next to him, the face on it seemed to be taunting him. Why am i not happy? I just met my soulmate. He and i are literally made for each other. I should be ecstatic. Thoughts raced in Dreams mind as he bit into the light bread.

Eventually Dream had to leave. Sapnap was definitely worrying by now. He made the rest of his trip home and arrived to a very stressed out sapnap and a soon enough a relieved sapnap. His lover jumped into his arms. Wrapped in a tight hug before Dream could even say hello. Sapnap pulled away though, after what seemed like milliseconds, and looked straight into Dreams eyes, "you bitch. Why were you gone for so long!! And why didn't you tell me! I was so worried, you obnoxious bastard!" He then hugged the tired Dream again. "Don't leave me alone so long next time..." Sap finished. The taller of the two laughed and kissed the shorters forehead. "Sorry, I just had to.. think..." Dream responded hesitantly. It seemed like everything he was doing lately was hesitant. "Bruh stop thinking and make me dinner. Be a good housewife." Dream wheezed at that, letting go of his boyfriend, and beginning to cook dinner. Damn ive been out for a while.
While cooking Sapnap teased Dream, and Dream kept quiet about the whole soulmate thing.
Sapnap wrapped his arms around dreams waist as he stirred the pot of mushroom stew. They rocked slowly, enjoying each others warmth and company. The shorter hummed lowly before kissing the nape of his lovers neck. Peppering kisses everywhere he could reach. Dream turned off the stove and spun around to look at the others eyes. Still holding each other, the men moved in for a sweet kiss. It didn't last long but it was enjoyable nonetheless.
"Hey baby," Dream hummed. Sapnap only hummed against the crook of Dreams neck in response. "The stew is ready. Why don't we sit down." Reluctantly, Sapnap dragged his arms off of his boyfriend's waist, groaning as he did so. "I don't see why I can't spoon you while we eat" Sap complained. The masked man only   laughed at that.
Their dinner was nice. It was pretty quiet, but the food was terrific. Dreams mushroom stew could beat anyone's steak any day. After, the pair cuddled on their couch to appease Sapnap. But when Dream saw the slightest bit of chest showing out of the collar of his lovers shirt he couldn't help himself but start teasing him.
Dream started by just scratching his nails against Sapnaps exposed arm, but slowly crept his hands to beneath Sap's shirt, rubbing his chest. "Whatcha doin under there hun?" The ravenette spoke out. All the blonde let out was a hum. Sapnap sat up and Dream following, continuing groping his partner. Soon enough, Sapnap brought them together for a heavy make out session. Messy, animalistic, and hungry could be used to describe their kiss. Out of habit, one of Dreams hands landed on Sapnaps collarbone, where his soulmark was placed. As soon as he realized what he was touching, Dream pulled away. His mask was discarded long ago, and his flustered, embarrassed, scared face was exposed for anyone to see.

"Hey what happened?" Dreams lover sounded worried to say the least.
"I- I uh.. nothing. Im just.. thinking I guess.." the nervousness in the tall mans voice was clear.
"Are you thinking about our soulmates again? Remember what I always told you, I love you no matter what. Just because we aren't soulmates dosen't mean we aren't made for each other."
He was right. Sapnap always was. Dream was indeed thinking about soulmates, but specifically, his own. Was it selfish to reject his soulmate for Sapnap? Probably.

"You know how much I love you right?" Dream asked his boyfriend.
"Of course I do." The warmest of smiles shown bright from the shorter.
They hugged again and decided to call it for the night.

The room was pitch black, the only light shining through was the faint moon peaking through the blinds. The comforter was hot, almost unbearably so with Sapnap laying on Dream's chest. Mushroom stew flooded the house and lingered on his tongue. Light snores could be heard coming from Sapnap. Despite all that was happening around Dream, the only thing he could think about was his stupid phone, and the stupid number within.

Thanks for reading part 2 <3 hope you enjoyed the fluffier chapter. More fluff and angst to come!


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