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Bzz bzz bzz
Dream groaned awake to the annoying buzzing of his phone. The screen was blindingly bright and caused his boyfriend to wiggle about beside him and smack his phone out of his hand. Dream giggled and set his phone down instead of seeing why he had so many notifications. He snuggled back into the covers and got back into a cuddling position.
"Hey Dream..", Sapnap rasped out. Dream hummed back. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?", Sapnap whispered. Dream chuckled and replied, "Probably not," Sapnap gave Dream a sad look, "I'm sorry babe but I don't have a kink for worms!" "You sayin' you have a kink for me or something? Sounds pretty gay," Sapnap said to his boyfriend, sitting up to check the time. "What time is it, Hon?" Dream asked. "9am." he replied. Dream groaned while stretching, then sat up and kissed Sapnap's shoulder lightly. Dream went to check his phone because he remembered it blowing up in the middle of the night.
6 unread messages from Random Guy
The room seemed to start to tremble.

Hey uhm its your soulmate
Just wanted to make sure this was the right number
Sorry if my soulmate gave me the wrong number!
Btw my names George.
Sorry im spamming so much! Youre probably trying to sleep
Text back soon ig

Six messages. Six messages from his soulmate. Six messages from George. His name radiated off of his skin like honey. Sweet, tasty, delicious honey. George.

Dream felt the entire universe telling him to reply, to say hi, to do anything! But he didn't. Instead, Dream blocked the number and turned to Sapnap to kiss his lover again. They may not have been soulmates but what they had was something only few dared to try.
"Ayo Imma make some breakfast, you want anything?" Sapnap asked, taking Dream out of his daze. "Oh uh, yeah. Ass." Sapnap giggled before pushing Dream off of him, "Dude! Seriously! What do you want!" "I guess I'll take eggs if I cant have your voluptuous delicious dump truck ass." Dream teased. Sap just scoffed and moved on.

The rest of the day went by rather peacefully. The guys enjoyed their breakfast, worked on making weapons for a friend, and finished off their day with a nice dinner out with some fun at home after.

Of course there was still the lingering blocked number that flooded Dreams thoughts every moment it could. Although he was ashamed of it; even when him and Sap had their alone time, Dream was thinking of George.
He couldn't help it. The universe wanted Dream to be with George but Dream wanted to be with Sapnap. He couldn't get that stupid british accent out of his head. He didn't even like his accent all that much! It was so annoying.
But aside from the constant stress of George on Dreams mind, the day was quite lovely.


Quiet "I love you"s were shared as they drifted to sleep in one another's arms, only partially clothed. However, Sapnap did not sleep. He had a secret that he couldn't get out of his mind.
Sapnap had found his soulmate, or rather soulmates.
His name was Karl and apparently there was a third, Quackity, that he hadn't met yet. The two of them were metal suppliers nearby FoolishG's house building company. Sapnap had stopped there to buy more netherite on his way to pay Foolish for building his shed. He had been wearing a tank top with a loose collar that showed off his hash soulmark. Of course, Karl noticed for he thought he had already met his soulmate, and to find out you have two is definitely a surprise.

This just so happened to be Sapnap's worst nightmare and more. Sapnap had expected to maybe meet his soulmate one day but now he's not only met his soulmate but also his other soulmate. Two. Two secrets. Sapnap wasn't ready to give up Dream just yet. The two of them had been through so much together, losing Dream would be like losing a piece of himself. An era of his life wasted. The rational part of his brain knew it wasnt wasted because he had fun and learned how to love. The feeling was still prevalent, however. It hurt. Knowing he would have to give up on a relationship he has forged with his own two bare hands for the past 6 years. Just to throw it out just because fate told him to, was ridiculous.  Sapnap would hold onto this secret. Occasionally visit his soulmates and tell them the reason he cant join their relationship just yet. Sapnap would make the most of the little time he had left with Dream and make it the best year of their relationship.

806 words without a/n
Heyyyyyyyyyyy guyyyyysssss :D ily

-ollie <3

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