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Dream arrived home late while Sapnap was sleeping. His long day of work left his muscles tired and sore. Dream slid his mask off his face and slowly rolled into bed, trying not to wake up his sleeping boyfriend. Once he had successfully gotten under the covers he looked at his bright phone, which has never once gone well. There was a single text from Phil letting him know he would be out and 3 texts from George.

George: Hey I'm sorry about last night. I crossed a line and I feel bad about it. I'm really sorry about everything I did.

George: actually, no I'm not. Fuck you for being like that. I'm your soulmate! You cant just run away from me, i waited so long to find you so i think its hella unfair that you can just deny my advances and have some boyfriend that you appoarently care more about! Think about how i feel. Im the one whose been waiting YEARS to find his soulmate just to find out his soulmate is a selfish prick. The only line i crossed was liftinf up your mask. Evedything else was totally justified. Fuck you DreM. Hope you and your boyfriend have a sucky life.

George: okay i think i went a bit far with the whole part at the end. I dont know your boyfriend so i sincerely hope he finds his soulmate and dumps your ass for someone better.

Dream sighed, but decided it was best not to burn bridges and typed back:

Dream: 1. Rude.
2. Youre right, you shouldn't have lifted up my mask. Hella rude and uncalled for.
3. You didnt have to wait for me. Soulmates are stupid anyway, find someone who actually wants to date you and then maybe we can talk.

Dream shut off his phone and put it on Do Not Disturb to ensure he wouldn't be awaken by George's frantic late night, drunk texting. He turned to his sleeping boyfriend and kissed his forehead before cuddling in close and falling asleep to the rhythmic snores of his lover.


Dream woke up, still in Sapnap's arms, early in the morning. He took a big whiff of Sapnap's scent and cuddled closer. Sapnap woke up lightly and quickly noticed Dream in his arms.
"Good morning sunshine," his voice was still gravely from just waking up, "Do you have work today?"
Dream nodded into Sapnap's chest. "Then get up! Time to face the day!" Sapnap cheered. "Should I call in sick? I'm really tired." Dream groaned. "You know Techno can tell. No way you're getting out of work unless you call Phil," Sapnap combed through Dream's blonde hair with his fingers, "C'mon, I'll make breakfast and after work we can go on a date to that bakery that Niki owns now." Sapnap smiled and peppered Dream's face with kisses.

Dream didn't budge until Sapnap started tickling him awake.

While Dream brewed the coffee, Sapnap started scrambling eggs and cooking bacon. Sapnap danced around the kitchen, to the sound of their jukebox, as he cooked.

"You know what would make me really wake up?" Dream snaked his hands around Sapnap's waist and pecked along his neck. "I know, but I'm making breakfast. Tonight though, and you can hold me to it," Sapnap pet Dream's hair, his head hanging loosely on his shoulder. Dream hummed in agreement and let go. "After dinner at Niki's we can come back here and I'll do whatever you want~" Sapnap said and kissed Dream's lips. "The eggs are done!" He piped quickly.

They ate, together, at the table and had a lovely conversation. Sapnap just seemed to know exactly how to be perfect. It was nice, but Dream couldn't help feeling guilty. Sapnap was treating him so well, and yet he was keeping a detrimental secret from him.


After work Dream sparred with Technoblade for a couple of hours. Dream explained his situation and Techno gave advice that Dream probably should've listened to more closely. Phil wasn't at work, but he did join the two of them after. He said, "Troubles in paradise? Cannot relate." And laughed his ass off. Damn Phil and his beautiful wife and soulmate!! Dream yelled in his head.


Dream arrived home around dinner time. Sapnap offered to bathe with him, but Dream ended up taking a shower on his own while Sap made dinner. He prepared grilled chicken and potatoes. Sapnap lit candles and poured wine. If Dream hadn't known better, he would've thought Sapnap was going to propose.

Of course, Sapnap didn't propose, rather just ate his dinner and watched Dream do the dishes for him  —Dream wasn't going to let Sapnap do all the work.

"Dreamboat," Sapnap said from the table, "I say we finish tonight off with a bang! Come to bed with me."

"Sure, let me finish dishes first." Dream hummed, whist wiping water off a plate.

"I'll be waiting for you~" Sapnap tip toed into their room.

Dream breathed out a small laugh and smiled softly. After the last cups were completely dry, Dream washed his hands, took off his shirt, and entered their room.

"Hey." Sapnap smiled from the bed. The lights were dim and Sapnap was naked aside from his briefs. Dream laughed, playing some music on the jukebox, then taking a running hop onto the bed. Sapnap giggled as he was launched from the uneven weight on the bed. Dream's eyes looked up, he was laying on his stomach. He turned and slid closer to Sapnap's face. He smiled, placing his hand gently on Dream's cheek. Dream sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into the touch. Sapnap leaned down and kissed Dream, slowly. Sap only pulled apart for a moment before relaxing back into the kiss.


The next morning Sapnap woke up with a sore back and legs, but cuddled up next to his naked boyfriend. He smiled and breathed in deeply, smelling Dream's hair.

It almost made Sapnap forget about his two soulmates.

.999 words
I want to write the smut for this chapter but idk if i will. If i do itll be in my oneshots book 👍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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