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     Dream heaved as he lifted heavy boxes full of scrap metal to Technoblade. When he handed them off Techno picked up each box like it was nothing. It was impressive but Dream didn't have time to dote on it before Techno would send a glare his way, as if to say, "Shut up and hand me the next box." Techno wasn't a bad guy at all, just a little blunt. Thats not to say he was confident. Techno was one of the most shy people Dream had ever met. Once they got closer however, Dream saw the more competitive and talkative side of his friend.

Once the final box had been put down Dream sat down on the crafting table, exhausted. Techno gave him a weird look but sat down too. The two men sat in an awkward silence before Technoblade spoke up, "Wanna go fight or somethin'?" "When have I been known to say no to a fight?" Dream replied. The pair got up and headed down a flight of stairs to Technos arena. Since Techno ran a weapon smith and his father, Philza, was an armorer; they had plenty of tools. Techno grabbed diamond armor, an axe, and a shield, Dream following suit.

Their clashing of weapons could be heard from outside. It was a brutal and mighty fight between equals- it was anyones guess as to who would win each duel. However, this time Dream seemed distracted. Usually Dream was laser focused on fighting, the opposite to Technoblade who would often be day dreaming mid-strike.
"You could've just said you didn't want to spar if you're so preoccupied." Techno's voice was quiet in comparison to the clashing of axes and shields. "What do you mean? Im having fun," Dream lied through his teeth. He was obviously not having fun with so much on his mind, "Look I don't mind you talkin' about whatever's on your mind if it means we can seriously fight," Techno said. Dream sighed and put his hands up in forfeit.

"Yeah so you know me and Sapnap are great together right?" Techno nodded, "Well I fucking found my soulmate. His name's George. I hate his stupid face and accent and UGH!" Dream erupted, obviously flustered, "I feel like I'm cheating. I don't want to feel this way. I still love Sapnap more than anyone else in this world. I don't want to leave him ever," Dream finalized his statement with a breath. "Thanks for listening Techno. I feel better now." Dream thanked Technoblade, "Uh yeah. Good-luck with Greg and snapmap or whatever," Dream laughed at Technos statement. "You've known Sapnap for 5 years and still don't know his name do you?"
"I'm not his soulmate!" Techno erupted in a chuckle. Techno was one of the rare people who didn't have a soulmate. To be fair, he didn't need one. Being asexual and aromantic made having a soulmate not very appealing. Platonic soulmates existed but were extremely rare.

     And just like that they were up again and this time fighting with more passion than ever. Mid-battle, the bell from upstairs rang out, someone had come into Technos blacksmith. Technoblade sighed, set down his weapon and ran up the flight of stairs. Dream was curious so he followed.
At the doorway stood two men: one was shorter with a scar and beanie, the other was pretty tall and sporting a sweater. Techno was pulling money out of the register presumably to give to them.
"It's going to end up being a stack diamond blocks for all the iron and gold," the shorter one said, "Don't forget the 10 netherite ingots you promised us," the taller followed. "Dream these nerds are Karl and Quackity. They're the ones Phil and I have been buying from recently, ever since Sam changed his business to a redstone company." Techno introduced the men now known as Karl and Quackity. "Its a pleasure," Dream smiled politely. "What was your name again?" Karl asked. "Its Dream," he replied. Karl looked over towards Quackity with a cheeky grin. "What?" Dream asked but it came out more aggressive than he intended. "It's nothing. Anyway, thanks techno for the cash, pleasure doing business with you!" Quackity remarked before waving goodbye. Dream looked over at Techno with a confused stare, Technoblade just shrugged.

After that awkward encounter, Dream started his way back home. It was going smoothly until he bumped into a certain person.

"Oh I'm sorry! Wait- are you..?", That disgustingly posh voice rang through Dream's head. Dream panicked and replied, "Hi George," giving away that he had read the messages and decided to not reply. "I uhm, I'm sorry if I was too pushy with all those texts," George said. "No it's fine, you're fine, really. It's just that, I already have a boyfriend," Dream admitted, "His name's Sapnap and we've been together for like 6 years. I don't even know you. So what I'm trying to say is that, I'm rejecting you." Dream finished.
"Oh-" George looked at a loss for words, "I'm sorry, I guess. Could you at least unblock me? I'd still like to get to know you, even if its just as friends."
Dream sighed and stuck out his hand for a handshake, "My name is Dream, and I refuse to be your soulmate." George took his hand, it felt electric, "Dream.." George said his name, softly, and liked the way it felt on his tongue. After the handshake, Dream felt his phone buzz and took it out to see that Sapnap had texted him something along the lines of, "I miss you!!1! Pwease come home bbg 🥺🥺🥺" Dream laughed quietly to himself and George snaked his head over to see the text as well. "You haven't told him have you?" George sounded pained. "Thats none of your business." Dream snapped back, putting his phone away. "You will have to eventually, he'll just hate you more the longer you delay this conversation." George remarked as he waved his goodbye.

Dream knew George was right. He felt ashamed at the mere thought of admitting to Sap that he found someone else. Even so, not even George, with his big brown and green eyes, could stop Dream from loving Sapnap. Dream didn't discover his soulmate. He made one.

1049 words
Hiiiii hope you saw the changes i made and appreciated my art lol
I have so much planned for this story and we're just getting through exposition!! Thanks again for reading
<3 Ollie

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