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Im bored and feel like writing porn, so enjoy some canon dreamnap. This is set in the time period of when Dream first showed his face to Sapnap

Dream slowly walked home from the gym. He had just beat Techno for the first time in a fight. Dream was glowing with confidence and beneath his mask was a wide smile. After a shower and a change of clothes, he was ready.

Dream was ready to show Sapnap his face. After 2 years of dating and being friends since forever, he was ready.

The adrenaline of the fight was still fresh in his veins, and it caused Dream's heart to beat fast and hard. When he went to knock on Sapnap's door, his hand was shaking. Each milisecond between knocks upon the door, Dream's previous confidence faded to oblivion.

The door opened to expose a cheerful Sapnap. He had jeans on and a nice button up. Dream didn't look quite as good —still a little disheveled from the walk over. Nevertheless, Dream was just as handsome wearing dress pants and a button up as well.

Sapnap welcomed Dream into his home. The dinner table was lavish and a bottle of wine sat in ice.
"There's actually something I want to do before we eat!" Sapnap chimed. He shuffled away to grab something off the kitchen counter. It was a letter and a long, big, box. "You didn't have to give me anything Pandas. I already know you love me." Dream said and kissed Sapnap on the cheek. "Just open it!" Sapnap cheered.

In the letter was a hand written note:

Hey best friend. Happy anniversary! 2 years went so fast lol if im honest i never expected to go this long with anyone, but im so glad we have. I lowkey thought i would die alone before you came into my life. So this year is 2, and next year will be 3, but i know one day we'll make it to 50. Ill keep you company as long as you will let me. Fuck the universe. I found my soulmate.

Dream finished reading and hugged Sapnap tightly. "I love you." Sapnap whispered. "I love you too" Dream replied. "Okay now open the box!" Sapnap pulled away.

Inside the box was a blade. It was a sword, made from netherite and emeralds. The hilt was so comfortable in Dream's hand. He spun it around a couple times, just getting a feel for it. "I know emeralds aren't great for longevity but I know they're your favorite so I made sure Phil only had them as accents." Sapnap smiled nervously, waiting for Dream's reaction. It was hard to tell whether Dream liked the gift or not as he twirled it in his hand, but eventually he looked away from the blade, "Its perfect. I love it so much Sap. I will keep it forever." Dream put the sword back into the box so he could hand Sapnap his gifts.

A hand written letter and a promise ring were gifted to Sapnap from Dream. The rings weren't super practical as both men were strong fighters and in their arena, couldn't wear any accessories. But they weren't meant to be worn 24/7. The rings were just a physical embodiment of a promise they had made long ago.


The dinner was delicious and Dream made sure to toast to another 50 years of bliss among them. (Amongus. Im so sorry i couldn't help myself).

Once they finished Dream said, "I actually have one more gift for you —if you could call it that." Sapnap lead them to the den so he could easily make out with Dream after he opened this last gift. "Okay so I'm pretty nervous about this and you have to promise not to say anything mean to me." Sapnap nodded. "Alrighty," Dream breathed. "Here goes nothing.."

Suddenly Dream's hands were unclipping his mask from behind his head. He carefully slid it off his face, and gave a shy smile. Sapnap was amazed. He was in shock but his instinct told him to start kissing the man in front of him.

"Stay with me" (Dreamnap)Where stories live. Discover now