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Sapnap was in bed when Dream slammed the front door. Sapnap woke up to the angry stomping of Dreams footsteps entering their bedroom.

"Hey hey hey! Whats wrong?" Sapnap sat up, still sleepy. Dreams eyes were misty but his face was contorted in anger. Dream pulled on his hair and let out a choked sob. He was quickly consumed into a tight hug from his lover. He whispered sweet nothings into Dream's un-listening ears. He just clung onto Sapnap and continued to cry.

It wasn't unusual to see dream cry. Certainly not for sapnap, but this time felt different to him. Dream usually cried about silly things, or because he felt overwhelmed, but this wasn't either. Sapnap was unsure of how to help Dream when he didn't even know what was going on. So Sapnap grounded Dream through touch and quiet words.

Eventually Dream calmed down enough to speak, though his voice still cracked, "I love you so goddamn much Sapnap. Don't ever forget that in your whole life. I'm never gonna leave your side." Dream cried into Sapnap's wet shoulder. He replied with quiet "I know"s.

Morning broke the next day. Dream's eyes were puffy and miserable. His head ached with past memories flooding in. He sat on the edge of the bed and groaned. Sapnap walked through the bathroom door to give Dream a peck on the lips. He combed his fingers through Dream's messy hair, "You feeling better babe?" Sapnap said softly. Dream groaned and leaned into Sapnap's hand. "C'mon lets get you ready for work. I'll even help you in the shower." Sap winked, and pulled Dream up off the bed.

They walked together to the bathroom where Sapnap helped Dream get unclothed and took off his own clothes shortly after. Once in the shower Sapnap massaged Dreams scalp with soapy fingers.

In all honesty Dream was feeling better but Sapnap being so loving and touchy made Dream's heart soar. It felt good to be naked in the shower with him. The warm water running along his body and Sapnap's hands in his hair. It all felt so good.

Sapnap even got a laugh out of him when he began to use soap on Dream's backside. Sapnap had taken a soapy hand and smacked it on Dream's butt. Dream laughed at the childish gesture. That made Sapnap proceed to do the same thing several more times making Dream laugh at every slap of his hand. Dream had playfully yelled at Sapnap to stop and turned to do the same back to him. Sapnap just kissed Dream then, smiling hard into the kiss.

After their shower Dream went to dry himself off but Sapnap came running, buck naked, to dry Dream off himself. Dream laughed at Sapnap's eagerness. "Please Sap! I can do this myself!"
"But why do it yourself when I'm happy to dry you off." Sapnap playfully tugged and wrung out Dream's wet hair. "At least put on a towel. Your dick is going to touch mine." Dream looked down, signally Sapnap to look as well. Sapnap just leaned his hips farther so they touched. "I know we've had rough, gay, anal sex before but this some how feels more intimate." Dream continued to stare. Sapnap then giggled and moved his hips so his dick would slap against his partners.

"Oh my god Stahp!!" Dream pushed Sapnap off him. "You're so weird!" Dream wheezed. Sapnap teased again by flopping around his dick while biting his lip. Dream threw Sapnap's shorts at him and quickly dressed himself.


"Howsit goin' Techno?" Dream strutted into his workplace. Technoblade glared and studied Dream's demeanor, trying to gauge why he seemed so giddy. "Chill out dude! No I didn't fuck Sapnap nor did he fuck me this morning," Dream waved his hand and walked over to Philza's anvil, sitting down, "I've just realized that if I spend a lot of time with Sap and reject George from my life then maybe the universe will realize it was wrong and make Sapnap my soulmate." Dream beamed as he took a heated piece of iron and began to hit his hammer against it. Technoblade rolled his eyes, knowing Dream's plan was idiotic, and got back to work.


Sapnap sat at home for a bit, unsure as to what to do with himself. He made coffee and masturbated, hoping to find anything fun to do. He used to have a job. In fact: he used to work with Dream. They both worked at their mutual friend Callahan's battle arena. They would fight opponents for a couple minutes, get paid, then have sex in the locker room. Poor Punz had walked in on them going at it more than once. Eventually the arena got closed after a few lawsuits about malpractice and employee endangerment. Dream went with Technoblade and his mentor, Philza, at the smithery. And Sapnap worked on building their house. After he finished, he was left with nothing to do. His only real skill was fighting, and most workplaces don't really appreciate that.

So Sapnap was left to sit at home and wait.

But then he got a notification from his phone.

Quackity: hey are you free?

It was a simple question, with a simple answer, yet it felt deeper than that. But who was Sapnap to say he wasn't free. He was dying of boredom in his home.

Sapnap: yeah im super bored lol

Quackity: Great! Send me your address ;)

A few minutes later Quackity was at his doorstep. "Hey man!" Quackity slapped Sapnap on the back. "I wanted to talk to you about something,"

Quackity sat on the couch and patted beside him to beckon Sapnap over. Sapnap meandered over and sat next to him.

"Okay I'll try to be quick so we can do something actually fun sooner rather than later," Quackity repositioned so he was facing Sapnap and put on a serious face. "You need to tell Dream about us. I don't care when, but it's not fair to him or us. The longer you wait, the more it's going to hurt and we don't want to see you hurt. Karl convinced me to let you take your time, but I still advise that you do it soon. Within the month at least." Quackity laid a hand on Sapnaps shoulder and gave a shy smile. "You're right. I know you're right. It's unfair to Dream to not tell him. I promise I will within the month, Quackity. I will tell Dream about you guys in 30 days," Sapnap looked sad. He had accepted long ago he would have to leave Dream soon, but it still hurt to face. "I'm going to the best boyfriend for those 30 days though. I'm going to fit 50 years of relationship into 30 days." Sapnap brightened a little when thinking about all the dates he would take Dream on.

Quackity's hand on his face snapped him out of his imagination. They leaned together to kiss. "Kiss me like I'm Dream." Quackity whispered.

Just like that Sapnap had Quackity pinned against the wall and kissed the life out of him.

"He's lucky to have you..."


. 1194 words

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