The Answers

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Lauren's POV

"Welcome to my humble home!" Ally opens her front door, her arms outstretched and a smile on her lips.

"It's very..." Colson trails off.

"Ally," Normani finishes his sentence.

"I like it," Harry sets his backpack down on the couch.

"With all of this holy stuff, Lauren we're keeping our hands to ourselves," Camila smiles.

I roll my eyes but smile innocently at my wife. "How long are we staying here?" I turn to the short blonde.

"Not long because I have info on everybody," Ally says.

"Where are the files?" I ask.

"In my home office, I'll go get them," Ally says.

"Wait, them?" Colson asks.

"I have files on every single one of you, I'll bring six out for the six of us that are left to find," Ally says and leaves the living room.

"Can we go back to where Ally said that she has files on every single one of us?" Normani says.

"I have files on every single one of you guys as well. We worked on them together," I said.

"You guys are hella weird," Colson says.

"One hundred percent fucking agree," Camila sits down next to me.

"In case you all forgot, I was ordered to keep an eye on you," I point to Camila, "On Colson, Gerald, Dinah, and Liam."

"Insane to think you married your assignment," Camila rests her head on my shoulder.

"Here are the files," Ally comes back in, carrying a crate. The short blonde sets the crate down on the wooden coffee table and sits across from me and Camila. Ally takes out a portfolio with 'Andrew Bazzi' written in large bold letters on the front. "This is everything about Sergeant Bazzi," Ally hands me the file.

I take the portfolio and start to flip through it and stop at the latest file. "He sent you a message?" I ask.

"From his hometown Detroit, Michigan but it doesn't have an exact address," Ally says.

I take the file, setting the rest of the portfolio down, as I read the paper out loud.

Detroit, Michigan
SWAT Sergeant Andrew Bazzi of the Chicago Police Department

I reach out to you Detective Brooke to inform you of where I am but for safety reasons, not the exact location. Ever since the fires, I have been investigating who can be behind them. You are a smart woman and I bet you have been investigating the fires as well.

My suspicions lay on Chris Pratt and Christopher Hemsworth.

Sadly, of course, there is no evidence but I was currently working on finding any sighting of them but so far I have turned up with nothing. Hopefully, you can find something, Detective Brooke.

"Have you found anything?" Harry asks.

Ally holds a finger up and pulls out another portfolio that has 'Justin Beiber' written across it and hands it to me.

I look through Justin's portfolio to see his latest purchases and pictures of him.

"Justin was and still is in London, Ontario, Canada. He went back home to bury his father and stayed to mourn him with his mother," Ally says.

"Next," I set the portfolio down.

Ally pulls out a portfolio with the words 'Liam Payne' written across the front. "Liam has been quite active in drug selling. He has been selling his drugs in Manhattan," Ally explains.

"Seems Liam doesn't stop, huh?" Camila laughs softly.

"I found where the captain is," Ally hands me a portfolio with Zayn's name written on it.

I eagerly take the portfolio and search through it. "He's in Nashville?" I smile.

"Why is he in Nashville?" Normani asks.

"We said we will go there together to visit the Music Row: The Heart Of Nashville. Zayn is probably also staying close to Chicago but not too close," I said.

"It's very obvious that he's your partner," Camila giggles.

"We work and we think the same," I smile.

"Niall was the easiest one for me," Ally says.

"Of course he was!" Normani teases.

"Of course Ally will put all of her hard work and attention on Niall," Harry teases as well.

"Shut up, guys! He was easy because he's been doing his job as a lawyer," Ally says.

I take Niall's portfolio and scan through it. "He's been doing his job as a lawyer in Atlanta?" I question.

"One of his clients live there. He is accused as a drug trafficker because the police found drugs in his car but he claims that he bought the car in a foreign country so Niall is investigating where his client bought the car and who had the car before him," Ally explains.

"I'm sure Niall will free his client, he is very good at his job," Camila smiles.

"Camila... I saved the best for last," Ally pulls out a portfolio and hands it to the brunette. "I found where your brother is," She spoke softly.

Camila's fingertips graze Gerald's name on the front of the portfolio as her eyes start to get glossy with tears. The brunette slowly opens the portfolio and flips it to the end so she can see the latest files on him. Camila takes out the pictures of him and sets them aside and picks up a paper saying where his location is and what he has been doing. "He's... In Miami," Camila whispers, a tear rolling down her eyes.

"Just like Justin, Gerald left for Miami to put his father to rest," Ally explains.

"Gerald sent me a note and it arrived the day after the fires," Camila says.

"Rumour has that he has been planning for revenge and that he has some intel," Ally says.

"He did say in his note that he will find who did this and get revenge and when Gerald is like this he won't get an ounce of sleep until he accomplishes it," Camila says. The brunette puts everything back in the portfolio and puts the portfolio inside of the crate. "We need to get to Miami as quickly as possible," Camila spoke.

"We will," I rub my wife's back.

"I'll book a flight," Harry stands up, pulling his phone out, and walking out the front door.

"Lauren, can you come over here for a second?" Ally questions.

"Sure," I stand up. I squeeze Camila's shoulder and follow Ally into the kitchen.
"What's up, Ally?" I lower my voice.

"I have some files on the fires," She hands me a portfolio.

"And what does it say?" I open the portfolio.

"Andrew was right to suspect Chris Pratt and Christopher Hemsworth," Ally says.

I flip through the papers as I read them carefully. "They were spotted in Chicago the day before the fires," I mumbled.

"Then they disappeared the day after the fires," Ally says.

"Did you inform the Chicago Police?" I ask.

"Of course I did, they found the place they were staying at, raided it, but they found absolutely nothing," Ally informs.

"And what do you mean by nothing?" I ask.

"The place they were staying at was burned down as well," Ally says.

I set the portfolio down as I sit down on a chair. I run my hands over and over again through my hair as I process everything. "We have to hurry and find everybody," I mumbled.

"Starting with-"

"Miami," I interrupt Ally.

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