Mysterious Plan

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24 hours later...

Camila's POV

"Thank you for coming with me," I said.

"Couldn't depart you," Gerald says. He looks down at his lap as he taps his finger against his leg. "I need to see our home too," Gerald whispers.

The cab stops across the street from our home as we get out.

Gerald pays the taxi driver then the taxi drives away. My brother looks over at our burnt home as tears coat his eyes. "I... I can feel his presence," Gerald's voice cracks.

I walk across the street when the roads are cleared as I just stare at my home, as every memory I had in there crashed down on me all at once.

"I had so many important things in there. Things that held great value in my life. Things that belonged to my mother that she gave to me," I spoke.

"Not everything lasts. Want to go in?" Gerald suggests.

"You're crazy," I turn around to face him.

"It looks stable enough," Gerald says.

"Alright. But if the feds come, we're running," I giggled.

"Like the wind," Gerald smiles.

After finding a way in, I walk up the floor upstairs that crashed down forming a way to walk up.

My footsteps are light as I walk into my bedroom. Everything in my room is burned.

"I still remember how your room looks like," Gerald appears at the doorway.

"Where did they find father's body?" I ask.

Gerald swallows hard as he quietly walks over to me. "Here," He finally says.

"In my room?" I whisper.

"He was shouting for help until the fire swallowed him up," Gerald speaks lowly.

"The firefighters weren't fast to respond?" I ask.

"No. Our house was burnt down last. They were trying to put out the fires at the joint, Pink 390, and the police department," Gerald explains.

I walk over to my bathroom as I look below the sink. I open the drawers to see that the box is still intact. I eagerly take it out as I open the lid.

"What's in there?" Gerald asks.

"Pictures," I answered. I ruffle through as every picture of me and Lauren seem perfectly intact. "It survived," I said.

"The pictures?" Gerald asks.

"Yes but a very special one," I pull out a picture of me and Gerald with our parents.

Gerald walks over and he lets out a sob. "I... I remember that day," His voice cracks.

"It's one of my greatest memories," I smiled.

"We were at the park. Our parents were taking a run while we were playing at the park. An ice cream truck pulled up and you wanted one so I used all of my savings to buy you the best one I could buy," Gerald speaks.

"Our parents came back and they saw how happy I was so they decided to have someone take us a picture," I smiled.

"To remember that day when I sacrificed everything I had to make you happy," Gerald smiles.

"It's yours," I hand it to him.

"No. It's probably the last picture of all of us together," Gerald says.

"We can make a copy," I smiled.

"Okay," Gerald takes the picture.

I close the lid of the box as I walk out of my room. "Let's go," I call out.

Back outside, I walk over to the still intact mailbox to see that it's open and that there's an envelop inside, a fresh new one. I take it out of the mailbox as I look at Gerald who furrows his eyebrows questionably.

"Hold this," I hand him the box.

Gerald takes it and walks closer to me as I tear open the letter then I start to read it out loud.

Glad y'all are back home. I need you to meet me immediately. There's an address at the bottom. I have a plan that you will want to hear.

"It doesn't say who it's from?" Gerald asks.

"No, but the address is written. Let's go," I said.

"What if it's a trap?" Gerald grabs my arm.

"It's not. I have a good feeling," I said.

At the address, I get out of my car and I walk into the warehouse. "It's clear," I step into the open space.

"Completely. I don't like it," Gerald says.

"Nice technique, Camila. Seems your time with Lauren has taken a toll on you."

Gerald and I turn around to see a figure step out of the shadows.

"Zayn," I smiled.

"Nice to see you again Camila," Zayn smiles.

"So what's this plan of yours?" Gerald asks.

"I am so glad you asked. You're gonna like it just like I know Lauren is going to like it when I see my partner in crime again," Zayn says.

"Explain, please," I smile.

"With pleasure," Zayn says.

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