Denver, Colorado

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Lauren's POV

"Can we even afford this?" Camila asks.

I look up at her to see her eating an apple while leaning on the doorway. "Yes, we can my parents offered to pay for our plane tickets to Denver," I said.

"When did y'all get stacked on money?" Camila takes another bite of her apple.

"Since Taylor and Chris started to work," I said.

"Mhmm," Camila hums.

"Being the lieutenant earns me a fair amount of money too," I zip up our backpacks.


I sigh and turn around to look at her again, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She shakes her head.

"Don't fucking lie to me Camila I know when you lie," I said, keeping my voice calm.

"Fuck you," She walks away.

I run a hand over my face and walk out of the room. I catch her in the middle of the stairs as I grip her arm. "Bottling up your feelings only makes it worse," I said.

Camila tries to wiggle her arm out of my hold but that doesn't help. "Can you let me go?" She finally yanks her arm harshly out of my grip.

I jog down the stairs and pin her on the last step against the railing and my body. "Tell me what's wrong Camila?" I try to look in the eyes.

"I'm fine-"

"You're not fucking fine Camila," I let out a little too loud than I intended to.

"Fucking hell, fine, I'm not fucking okay is that what you want, to see me weak?" Camila yells back.

"It's not to see you weak, I'm your fucking wife," I said.

"Well there you go, I'm not fine. My father died, my home got burned down with him in it, Dinah is in the fucking hospital, we don't know where everyone else is, and my brother hasn't responded to any of my messages and calls so that means he lost his fucking phone so I have no fucking contact with him which makes me clueless on where to start to find the only family I have left," Camila pushes me away from her. She walks out the front door, slamming the door behind her.

I hang my head down feeling my heart shatter. God, what the actual fuck is wrong with me of course she wasn't fine...

Camila's POV

Denver, Colorado...

Once we landed and got into a cab, I have been staring out the window this entire time. Sometimes I just believe Lauren is fucking stupid. I shouldn't be saying that she's my wife, but everything that I came to find out that happen while I was away on my honeymoon makes my heartache. I need to find my brother and I need to bring justice to my father's death.

The cab stops in front of the Colorado State Capitol and I get out as Lauren pays the taxi driver.

I hide my gun behind my back turning on the safety switch.

"You shouldn't have that," Lauren says as the taxi drives away.

I now then realize she's holding out my backpack to me. Without responding I take it from her and swing it over my right shoulder. I start walking not even caring if I know where I'm going or not.


I ignore Lauren as I keep walking ahead. I feel her wrap her arms around my body pulling me back as a group of people on bicycles whiz by. I can't help myself as I melt into my wife's arms.

"It's okay... I got you," Lauren whispers in my ear.

I lean my head back against her shoulder bringing my lips up to her ear. "Thank you..." I mumble.

"Anytime, beautiful..." Lauren kisses my cheek. Lauren lets her hands slip away making me frown at the loss of warmth. Lauren steps around me to walk ahead but I stop her. Lauren turns back to look at me, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Lauren..." I let out.

Lauren brings her other hand up and cups my cheek, stroking it. "You don't have to apologize, Camila," Lauren whispers.

"I do. I'm hurting and you out of all people doesn't deserve me to lash it out at you," I place my hand over hers.

"It's okay, I understand," Lauren cups my face in her hands. She plants a soft kiss on my lips making me sigh. "Come on let's go figure out where Nornani is," Lauren whispers.

"You got it, partner," I smile.

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