Chapter 17: The Incidents

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The Man's POV :

It's early morning of the next day . I go to my drawing board and see Aidan's picture and his 4 associates.
The associates are Y/n , Marcy , Allision and Chief Harbor .

Each one of them are in some way helping Aidan . Example , Because of the Chief , Aidan's and his friends are under the chief's protection .

Wait what would happen if supposedly the Chief got shot by a unknown police officer . Well let's find out .
I chuckle darkly at the thought and wear a police uniform and take a police gun that I took from one of my victims who happened to be a police officer .

Aidan's POV :

It's morning time and i wake up and go to the kitchen . I realized I woke up late . Marcy , and y/n are already there on the kitchen table and to my surprise Allison is also there .

They were discussing about the case .
They greeted me with a good morning and I replied with a good morning too .

Then we were thinking about if the man had any outstanding features . But we came up with nothing except that he was insane .

Internally , i was thinking that 'I used to be more insane'.

No, I snap out of my thoughts thinking that I am not that person anymore .

I tell the girls that I am going out for a walk . I walk for about 30 minutes and find myself in front of the station.

I wanted to know if they got any leads or not .

Chief Harbor came out of the station and saw me .  He motioned me towards the back of the station . He asked me what I wanted to know and I asked him if they had caught any leads but the Chief shook his head .

I sighed and told him that I will go home now and he nodded but before I could go I saw something shine due to the sunlight . It was a random police officer holding something.

It was probably nothing I thought until I saw that he was holding a gun and aiming it towards  the chief and what's more was that his face was covered with the same black mask the man had worn .

How do I know they were the same ? Well because when I slammed the man to the wall I also managed to cut the mask a little and that same cut was on this police officers mask .

Oh shit he is about to kill the chief .

I ran towards the chief and he seemed confused why I was yelling at him , but before he could question anything , I tackled the chief at the same time a loud bang went off .

This alerted the other officers in the station and thankfully the fake officer or the man escaped .

I told the chief that it was a close one but I didn't get a response .

I looked down and saw blood . Oh Hell no !

It was the chiefs blood . The other officers arrived at the scene and I practically yelled at them to call the ambulance and to check the footage of what happened .

They complied and I thought if this is how it feels to order someone in a good way , I shook my head cause this was not the time .

After Chief got admitted to the hospital , the other officers checked the footage but unfortunately they couldn't find any new leads . But some officers had a theory that it was someone in the station .

Then after I gave my statement to the station , I went to the hospital to check on the chief and after 10 minutes in the hospital I was greeted by y/n , Marcy and Allision . They asked me about what happened and I told them .

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