Chapter 9: The Dumb Plan

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A.N:- Happy New Year to all of you . Hopefully all of you will have a great year and it will be better than 2020 . I can't believe that this book has reached 400 reads in a month . Thank you so much for reading and I will try to update more often .

Y/N POV :-
I woke up at exactly 5:00 am which was pretty early .
All the events of the last 3 days come back to my mind after I am fully awaken .
I lose all my confidence I had gained last night .
I was fighting an internal battle with myself . My mind and logical part were telling me to go to the police while I still can AND my dumb part and frankly at the moment idiotic part of the brain told me to be brave and kick that piece of shit's ass .
And as the dumbass I am I choose to be an idiot .
After getting changed and brushing my teeth I managed to gain some confidence and brain stormed a plan.
The steps involved are .... well I haven't exactly thought of that .

I go downstairs at about 6:30 am ,I see the room in which he's sleeping in and I get dumbfounded at my own stupidity because I let a killer sleep at my house and didn't lick my door nor took any weapons to defend myself .
I mean like am I for real ?????

Anyway I go to the kitchen and see a picture of me , Ricky and Marcy laughing together , and I start to get tears in my eyes.

What had I done to deserve this..?

As if one cue , Aidan comes out of his room and I instantly freeze and try my best to not look like I am about to die .

Aidan greets me and says that he's going to school to pick up a few things and he will be back by 30 minutes . I nod and he leaves.

I hope he never comes back .

I wake up and get out my room after getting packed and see Y/n crying.
If only the crying could last forever .

I see a kitchen knife and I am tempted as hell to shut her up permanently but alas I have to pick my books up from school . Not like I care but for the sake of low profile I have to.

I arrive at school and see a poster on the gates of the school saying that the school has been closed for 1.5 - 2 months because of the recent murder .
Honestly this makes things a lot easier and difficult at the same time .

I go back to y/n's house 15 minutes earlier than I told her I would come back.

After Aidan leaves I decide to prove my theory of Aidan being Aidan the serial killer , just it would be bad if it wasn't actually him .
I search his room and make sure to put back everything in order .

I find nothing to prove my theory but after I lift the mattress I see a fucking gun and I flinch back in surprise .
It's All Fucking True !!!!!!

I look at the clock And see that I still have 15 minutes before Aidan gets back . I put the mattress back and contemplate on what the fuck I should do with the gun in my hand .

Before I decide to do anything I hear a voice behind my back saying '' What are you doing ?''

I flinch and see that it's Aidan and I almost pass out .

Aidan's POV:-
I enter the house and go to my room i am staying in and I see y/n standing there . I ask her what she's doing here and flinches and she looks like she's about to pass out .

That's definitely raising red flags in my brain .

I look at her hand and see my fucking gun .

God dammit !!! Why can't these 3 just not ruin my plans for once . I have barely been here for a day and 3 people have already found out about me .

First Ricky then Marcy and now Her . I should have just killed them all at once .

I decide to drop my fake friendly face into my true murderous deadly Assassin face which is who I really am.

She flinches again at my change of face expression.
Honestly what's with her and flinching .

I think she realizes that she might have control over this situation as she points the gun at my face and threatens me . How cute Not.

I drop my innocent voice into my deadly voice and say to her :- "Give me my gun back " .

She shakes her head . I start to walk towards her and she swears that she will shoot me .

Adrenaline starts to pump in me as I menacingly take steps towards her .

She pulls the trigger multiple times out of fear but no bullets come out .

I instantly grab her throat and tell her that she's an idiot because she hasn't even removed the safety out of the gun .

I continue to choke her as she tries her best to remove my hand . I tighten my grip around her neck but not to much .

I want to make her suffer before I kill her .

I stop chocking her the moment she fells unconscious. I drag her to the trunk of my car and put her in it .

I take her to my house and tie her in my soundproof hidden room with a chair . The best other than sound proof about that room is that it has a drain in the center .

It's like it was meant to be a torture room.

I go to her house again and bring some cloths of her and my stuff back to my house .

Chief harbor calls me to ask about y/n and I lie to him saying that she had a case of PTSD at the loss of her friend .

The chief yells at me saying that why didn't I inform him and I reply saying that I just got the news from the doctor . The chief asks about the hospital I told him a random hospital's name and it did the trick .

Honestly I m surprised at how easy it is to fool people .
I arrive back to my house and decide that I will remove all signs of struggle in y/n's house tomorrow .

I was particularly in a good mood today . So I decided to not bother seeing y/n and I went to sleep in the afternoon cause I was tired as fuck .

And if anyone had a problem , I would gladly pay them a visit and end their life in many brutal ways that haven't either been performed yet or simply cannot be explained in words .

The next morning comes and I pay my guest a visit . She's tied to a chain which is 2 to 3 meters long . I can't wait to bath in her blood .

But I have to make her suffer first . I will traumatize her then break her and then finally kill her brutally.
Y/n looks at me with fearful eyes and I gladly return a look with my insane and blood lust eyes which makes her flunch again .


To Be Continued

Aidan Gallagher The Serial Killer (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now