Chapter 7: The Case of Ricky

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Aidan had come to sit with us at lunch .
I introduced Aidan to Ricky and Marcy .

Aidan was really nice . There were still some suspicions but they were gone cause this sweet person couldn't be a murderer .

And if this really was The Aidan Gallagher and since he knew my name and remembers me , then..... well I would be dead .

After lunch the 4 of us talked as we headed to our classrooms .

The day went on and surprisingly in one day I started to trust Aidan even though I don't even know anything about him other than his name .

But that will change .

Anyway after school is over Aidan waves us goodbye and we wave back and he smiles . I couldn't help but think that the smile felt fake .

I remove the thought as Ricky tells me and marcy that he is planning a group project with us and that Aidan can also help .

We all node because Aidan has been very nice and then we realized that we didn't know where the hell does he live and what the hell is his phone number?

We decide we will ask him tomorrow and go our separate ways .

Ricky's POV :
I am walking home and I see Aidan . I think it would be nice to say hi .

As he unlocks his door I hear him mumble about being thankful that nobody recognized him being the Aidan Gallagher the Serial Killer.

I stopped right there so shocked that I dropped my pen I was holding to ask for his phone number.

I was afraid but decided to hid it and I stuttered something but I couldn't even process what I said .

My plan to hide my fear backfires as he pulls out a fucking gun and points it towards me ... What the fuck ?!?!

I am going to die !!!

Aidan's POV:
I sigh as I take out my gun that I hid in my cloths and I point it at him .

He freezes out of fear . This causes adrenaline to flow through me cause I start to think of various ways of how to kill him .

I step closer to him and he moved back . I remove the safety from the gun and dare him to move .

That's enough to stop him . Thank god the neighbors are not at home .

I go behind him and force him inside my house .

I throw in the bed room that's basically sound proof if you close the door.

I think of what i could do to him .

Rape him ? No I am not in the mood right now

Just shot him? No that would ruin the room and it won't be fun

Kill him and find a way to make sure no one knows he's dead? That's sounds interesting.

'Hey' I say to him and he cowers back in fear . Pathetic ' and he calls himself a man, .

'Alright listen to me and do exactly what I say or else I will gut you'. I tell him and That freezes him up.

I take his phone and suddenly an idea popped up in my mind . I know he lives alone with his girlfriend Marcy since he told me at lunch . And that he's from a country where there is no internet .

He shouldn't have said that . I chuckle very darkly and emotionlessly and that gives Ricky another near heart attack.

I think about my idea and begin it's steps .

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