SToL&B TodoDeku

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This is an extra scene from A Spider's Tale of Love & Blood, from the chapter titled IcyThot


"Where are Todoroki and Kurosawa," Kirishima wondered as they gathered for dinner, "Kurosawa came back alone."

Dammit, what the hell are they doing? Bakugo stormed his way to the elevator, ignoring the protests that came from behind him. He angrily pressed the button for the fifth floor, muttering obscenities to himself as he impatiently waited for the doors to open.

He stomped down the hallway, stopping at the first door, Kurosawa's. I'm sure he's that damn nerd, why the fuck won't he just admit it... though if he's not... He had paused just long enough that his thoughts were interrupted by- Was that a moan? He kicked the door open, banging it against the wall.

Todoroki and Kurosawa lay entwined on the bed, not quite naked though it seemed all but their pants lay scattered around the floor. They hadn't noticed him yet, even with all the noise he had made. 

"Mmm," Kurosawa made a low sound of pleasure, curling his fingers through the red locks. Bakugo flushed red as he saw Todoroki's hand was in his pants. "Shoto..."

"Oi! What the hell are you doing?!" Bakugo yelled.

Kurosawa turned his head toward him with a lazy smile, Todoroki moved his lips to the boy's exposed neck. "Do I really have to explain it? Go away, you can see we're busy, and I don't want to share with you." His fingertips brushed down Todoroki's spine, and Bakugo could see him shiver as frost glazed his skin, though it steamed and vanished after a moment.

Bakugo turned an even darker shade. "Who the hell would- would-" He would never admit out loud the idea was appealing.

Todoroki raised his head only enough to speak. "Do I have to? I like having you to myself."

"Oh, he despises me, I'm sure he won't." Kurosawa laughed, then caught his breath as Todoroki gently bit his throat. "S-Sho..."

"Izu... I want you..."

Dammit, DAMMIT! I do not have feelings for this fucking villain! I don't... Bakugo broke and ran, slamming the door shut behind him. I don't want Todoroki- I don't want anyone to have him... I want him to be mine... I want him to moan my name like that... 

He slammed the door to his own room and leaned against the wall, panting hard. The image was permanently burned into his brain, over and over he watched Kurosawa moan and slowly writhe, his head tipping back. One day, he swore to himself, one day I'll make him mine.

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