A Taste of Blood

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"No! Get away from me!" The green haired woman screamed, backing up as far as she could.

"But Mommy, why?" Her beautiful boy, his emerald eyes sparkled as he smiled, face splattered with blood.

"Y-you're a monster!" She screamed, covering her face. When he didn't reply, she looked up. The boy was gone.


"Young Master, are you coming down?" The now 15 year old boy looked down at the mist faced villain from his crouched position on the roof of the bar.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, Kurogiri." He stood and turned to the right, into one of the portals that came out at ground level. "So it's time for the UA entrance exams, hmm? Why does Father want me to apply?"

"The Master wants you to spy on the heroes from the inside," he explained in his weirdly echoing voice, "learn their secrets, their weaknesses."

"UA High, what a waste of time. But if Father insists," he shrugged into the leather jacket Kurogiri held out for him.

Riku Shigaraki was tall for his age, the sides and back of his head shaved close while the top was an unruly green disaster he regularly messed up even more. He liked to go for an 'expensive cool' look, a black shirt under his jacket and jeans with black combat boots, his belt studded with an extra chain sweeping around his hip. His earring doubled as a GPS locator, and if he pressed it, Kurogiri would open a portal for him.

He walked up to the massive archway leading into the school and shook his head before heading inside. In the auditorium, he ended up beside a blonde boy with an obvious attitude from the way he glared at Riku. He merely put his feet up on the table and ignored him.

In the middle of Present Mic's explaining the practical, a blue haired bespectacled boy stood up and questioned him, then turned and glared at Riku. "You are disrespecting school property-" Isuzu held up a hand.

"Don't bother with a lecture, Four Eyes. I don't care." Present Mic continued on, and soon they split up to change and go to different testing grounds. Riku merely took his jacket off and hung it in the locker he was temporarily assigned.

The area was full of buildings, something like a metro city block. All around, the others were spreading out in search of the robots they were to destroy. Riku took out a few three pointers by striking their joints with his collapsible bo staff, breaking them apart. He was doing well for himself until the massive 0 pointer appeared, and he saw a girl with her leg trapped under rubble. It didn't take him long to reach her, lifting the piece and helping her out of the way. As soon as she was safe, he turned back to the huge robot.

"I don't care if you're worth shit," Riku grinned, "you're going down." He raced up one of its legs, climbing the body and thrusting the staff into its neck. It shuddered, gears grinding, before it collapsed. The others gasped as he disappeared as it crushed a building on its way down, until he walked out brushing dust from his hair, and laughing. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

When he returned home, his father summoned him into the medical suite he spent most of his time in. "How did you do, my boy?"

"I am confident I will be accepted, Father. I did have one question, if you don't mind." His father waved a hand, the view of his body blocked by the high backed chair he sat in. "I was told you wanted me to be a spy. But I was hoping to have a bit more fun."


"You see, I discovered that a childhood friend applied for UA as well. Revealing I know him will of course cause so much drama, Midoriya Izuku has been missing for well over a decade. But what if I could play the part of a spy, or so they think."

"Be careful when you put your hand into a snake's den, Riku. However, I would rather like to see how the 'symbol of peace' reacts when he discovers his old enemy 'stole a child'." His voice was vaguely amused. "Very well, go ahead with this."

"Thank you, Father. I will take your warning to heart." He bowed and left his father to prepare for his first day in hero school. "I will bring them all to their knees."


AN: Why do I have such good starts for books, but in the end I can never finish them? *sigh*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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