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Tubbo had been taken from the cell that evening. During the walk, he saw the faces of many of his former friends. No one even looked at him. However, all of them had reactions that made Tubbo proud of. Shock. He was the only one to ever survive the dungeons, and that made him walk more proudly. He was Dream's friend, his brother now. He was on the same level as Tommy, if not even better! Ha! Dream led him along the halls to the infirmary. One of the castle doctors, Doctor Ponk, had treated him for his wounds. He had him kept on bedrest with a regeneration drip. Tubbo didn't exactly know what he accepted, but it got him out of that cell. His mind told him that he was now Dream's brother as long as he did as the other said. And for the first time, he ate chicken! It was heaven. Tubbo had caught the bitten chicken leg before it hit the ground before devouring it. He even sucked the bone. Dream fed him by hand that entire night, speaking to him as if he mattered.

Oh it felt great to matter! Tubbo laughed to himself as he laid in Tommy's old room. He mattered! Oh how great it was. He was going to be Dream's brother once he finished the task for him. He still didn't know the task, but he had to heal before he could start on it. Though, it made him excited. He was as great as Tommy. The euphoria was building in his chest. He didn't know if it was the potion's effects or his excitement, but Tubbo felt he could take on the universe.

Dream entered the room later in the day, walking over to Tubbo and sitting beside him. In his hands was a tray of food with two chicken legs, bread, and a large heap of mashed potatoes. Tubbo's mouth watered at the sight of the food. Dream was back to wearing his mask, as he always had done. But, as soon as he closed the door to the room, he took the mask off. "Tubbo, are you ready for your assignment?"

Tubbo sat up, ignoring the pain and looking at Dream. He nodded vigorously, excitedly fidgeting with the blanket. "Yes!"

"This is very important, but I need you to meet and bring Tommy home," Dream sat in the chair by the bed, setting the tray of food down. He then started to feed Tubbo as he spoke. Breaking off a piece of bread, he lifted the food to Tubbo's mouth, letting the boy eat straight from his hand, like a pet. "I have already received a message from King Philza. They have Tommy. I need him home, you understand? He is special."

Tubbo frowned. He wanted to be special too, but he was just a boring ram. Why couldn't he have beautiful wings? Sulking, he didn't see the next piece of bread being held in front of his face. Dream frowned. "Tubbo, eat."

Tubbo munched on the bread, frowning again. The other man pet the ram as Tubbo munched on the bread. Dream fed him another piece of meat, cooing at the much smaller boy. "I hate seeing you so hurt, Tubs. Hurting you in the dungeon hurt me just as much. Acting has never been my best skill."

The ram only nodded, munching on the next piece of the bread. He continued to sulk, but never said what he was upset about. Instead, he looked out the window. Dream noticed his behavior, sighing. Dream rolled his eyes, stopping his petting as he started to talk. "Tubbo, please don't do this to me?"

The boy seized up, suddenly terrified. Dream's voice was crisp and full of annoyance, the way it sounded when he was aggravated. Of course, Tubbo had upset him. Looking at the white sheets and red blanket, the ram apologized. "I'm sorry Dream...I just want to be like Tommy. I want to be special and important too..."

"You are special in your own way, Tubbo," the man lied. "You are my brother. You have been the best to me for years, Tubbo..."

The flip was so weird, Tubbo mused. He only nodded to Dream's words. Besides, his own parents didn't want him, so what made what Dream said any less right? He was the only one who ever gave him the facts, so he must be right. He wouldn't lie, right?

Placing the food on the table, Dream fished Tommy's communicator out. "You are going to have to communicate with me using this. It has a feature. Press this button and speak. It will translate all your words into writing, but you have to be very clear when speaking or it won't work right."

He handed the device to Tubbo before standing. "You have to leave by tonight. I will give you a horse, a map, and a compass. Do not fail me Tubbo. You bring home Tommy, no matter what, or what form."

Dream then left, going to complete other tasks that Tubbo could only think of.


That evening, Tubbo was equipped with riding gear, a diamond sword and iron armor. He had a few portions or food for the trip there and the trip back. It was by far the fanciest of clothing ever. He really felt like a prince with the cloak. While he did not have a crown, Dream promised him one when he returned. Only if he returned with Tommy. Tubbo knew the threat in Dream's words. He knew that he was not to return until he had Tommy.

Tubbo would not fail. He couldn't. Dream was relying on him to bring Tommy home. So that's exactly what he will do.

He started off on his long journey, passing many villages before they became sparse and far from each other. Tubbo also noticed how much the land was void of any vegetation, much like a warzone. He even found craters that were caved in or filled with puddles of water. Old craters, he assumed. As he traveled, the craters became newer and newer. After three days of travel, he reached the border between the Arctic Empire and the Dream Kingdom. He was about to enter enemy territory to find Tommy...

(REWRITING) what never was never could be (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now