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Tommy had just gotten out of his studies to stretch his wings. As always, guards were watching as he spread his wings in the night sky. That day had been the hardest. After the numerous hours of work, he had yet to stretch his wings in the last week. But as soon as the wind ran through his feathers, he felt the stress leave his tendons. He relaxed in the sky; it was his territory. He could see almost into the Arctic Empire's lands if he was high enough. He soared, doing tricks, spinning, diving, and crying out in delight.

A certain pig watched from outside the walls of the city, seeing the child soar and shout in the air. It was well into the witching hour. Why was this boy flying this late at night? And was he a pure winged hybrid or was that an elytra? Technoblade couldn't tell from this angle. Elytra were highly valuable. How did this kid have one? Was he a part of the nobles? No. Dream did not have nobles. This confused Technoblade. His voices were screaming at him, telling him to take the kid and hold him for ransom. This kid was important, but why?

One voice was soft in his head. It was odd, he only spoke of a name he had never heard before. "Tommy...Tommy...Tommy...Tommy.." the voice continued, being deafened by the other voices screaming in Technoblade's head. He started to groom Carl, focusing his breathing with each brush stroke in order to calm the voices. He pondered. Who was this Tommy person? As soon as he thought that, the voices increased again, causing Technoblade to suck a breath in. Whoever he was, he was important.

After finishing brushing his prized steed, he snuffed the fire he had made and leaned on the horse's side. He closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of nature, the smell of the dirt, the smell of his own horse's sweat. The crickets, which were not native to the Arctic Empire, played a melody in the night. It was enough to make him fall soundly asleep. Though he did not sleep long. His mind was awake and forcing dreams that did not make sense upon his mind. In the dream, Technoblade was young, he knew that. He still had his cute childish pig ears and a perfectly unscathed face. He stared at his reflection, only until the reflection moved. It wasn't a mirror, it was a guard's armor. That's when he noticed that the castle alarm was ringing and guards were everywhere. The guard he was previously looking at was ushering him to his room. Technoblade looked over his shoulder to see his father. King Philza was frantic, screaming for a nonexistent third son. "TOMMY!"

Technoblade jolted away, seeing the sun just barely rising over the horizon. He estimated two hours of sleep at best. He leaned up, stretching and grabbing his armor. What a crazy dream. What was that again? Who was dad yelling for? He shrugged, latching his gauntlets on. He grabbed his pig skull, placing it on his face with his crown. He double checked his gear, counting his arrows, double checking his potion supply. He then downed three potions, a speed potion, a strength potion, and a regeneration potion. Hugging his steed goodbye and feeding Carl a golden carrot, Technoblade gappled and walked to the gate of the large walls.

Tommy woke to a frantic Tubbo shaking him awake. "Tommy! Tommy! Wake up!"

Tommy groaned, rolling over and pulling the ram with him onto the bed. He wasn't even wearing bed clothes, still dressed in the royal garb from yesterday. "Five more minutes, Tubs..."

"No, Tommy. You have to get up now. Technoblade is here!" The ram pulled out of the other's embrace. "We have to get to the armory and you need to message Dream!"

The name Technoblade caused Tommy to stir. He had known of a fierce warrior from the Arctic, but he wasn't expecting him to attack the main castle. Tommy got up, still sleepy as he slipped on his slippers and grabbed his communicator. "Ugh..Technoblade is here?"

"Yes! We have no time to waste!" The ram grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the room and down the labyrinth of halls.

Both boys had learned the way to move about the castle now. While running, Tommy opened up a message to Dream: "/w Dream The castle is under attack. Technoblade is here!" Sending the message, he picked up his pace to hurry up with Tubbo. The only way to get to the armory was to go through the Great Hall. Tubbo knew that Technoblade would see them, but he is sure that Technoblade will be too occupied to follow them. Or so he hopes.

(REWRITING) what never was never could be (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now