NOTICE: Rewriting

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Hello everyone!!!!

I know y'all are super excited to read this, those who have read it and those who have not. I am actually rewriting this book, plus the entire series!! I mentioned wanting to rewrite in my comments a while ago, but never got around to it. However, since it is now summer, I want to rewrite!

If you have previously read this book, trust me, it's going to be a lot different! We're still going along the original Tangled-ish plot line, but I am adding and taking out some scenes. I am also going to be combining Rebirth into this story! A lot of the dark elements will still be apart of this book, but I will be taking some out. As always, let me know if I am breaking some CCs boundaries.

Now, when I was originally writing this book, I wasn't planning or doing any type of brainstorming as I wrote. I don't know if that was obvious or not. However, I as I grew as a writer, I started to plan like I do with His Son. I would write these chapters during my fourth period (my last period). I would sit, plan, write, and post chapters in around 2 hours. That created shitty chapters with little to no detail. Personally, my writing style has changed a lot since that. I am going to produce longer chapters.

I am not going to reveal any plans I have, but I will be deleting all the comments on this book. Those who have read this, I encourage you not to reveal the ending. But, even if someone does spill, the ending isn't the same anymore. :)

I'm excited for this project and I hope y'all are too!!

(REWRITING) what never was never could be (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now