Part 8. "Learning."

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hi guys! hope all is well, here's a new part. :) i don't want to keep ya'll waiting a while so let's just cut it short. hope you like this part. :)! (also i was told that the last part was not working at all, and i apologize if something happened to it because i swear i wrote part 7. but it seems like it didn't save. but other ppl saying that they can read it so I don't understand, please let me know if you do not see the last part, it wouldn't make sense. thank you and i apologize. anyways, if you have read the last part here is part 8. enjoy, muah! <3.



The school day had ended, and the whole time I was thinking about how Nessa had put a girl in the hospital. Why do I seem like I care a lot? Well it's because, I know Nessa is not capable of those things. The thought of her putting a girl in the hospital on purpose, went through my mind and was hunting me.

Mom picked me up and I headed home, after I got home I went to my room and went and laid on my bed.

I kept thinking of what that girl said.

I know she had to be lying.

But if she wasn't...

I was in love with a murderer?

Well, I mean...not a murderer.

She's never murdered anybody.


I ignored my thoughts and just grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I decided I needed to talk to her.

I dialed her number on my phone and put it up into my ear.

"Hello?" she said with her soft voice.

"Hey Nessa."

"What's up? Is there something wrong?"

I decided to just tel her right away. What was the point of waiting?

"Have you..ever..been in a fight?" I asked nervously.

"A fight? Ben, what are you talking about?"

"A school fight. At your old school."

She paused for a moment.

"How do you know about that?.."

"So there was a fight."

" do you know.."

"I was told."

"Who told you?"

"Does it matter?"



She paused again.

"Look, Ben...this is not easy to say.."

"What did you do?"



"Okay, okay.. I'll tell you what really happened."


She took a deep breath.

"In my old school, I was best friends with a girl named Selina. We've been friends ever since we were 5. We did everything together. That is, until she found out something horrible."

"What did she find out?"

I could hear Nessa crying a little.

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