Part 3. "Warming."

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Saturday came by fast. That was when I was going to hang out with Nessa. The other days from school, we sat at lunch together all the time. And I got to show her more around the school. 

I got myself up, and Mom came in my room without knocking while I was getting dressed. 

"Good morning, Ben...You're up.." Mom said surprised.

"Yeah. I'm going somewhere." I responded.


"I told you. Just hanging out with a friend."

"Oh, well. Have a good time." Mom said with a smile. Like she was happy that I was going out with someone. 

I finished getting dressed and headed on out and walked to the park. Nessa said she would walk to the part too, since she didn't have a car either. 

I found her sitting on the bench waiting for me.

"Nessa, hey." I said running to Nessa.

"Hi Ben." she responded.

"This park is really nice. Looks like a lot of people like it." she said while I sat next to her on the bench.

"Yeah, it's the best. Everyone has picnics here, barbecues, birthday' know."

"Yeah." she said smiling.

For the next few hours we were talking and laughing together. Felt pretty nice.

"Okay, your sure you haven't tried it before? It's the best dessert in history!" Nessa said laughing.

"No, I swear. I've never tried it." I responded back laughing.

We just kept laughing and then we just stared at the sky. 

"The view is beautiful." she said.

"It is."

"I had this kind of view back home."

"Back home? You still call it, home? Not in a bad way."

"Yeah, I do. I spent my life their with my parents and I loved it more than anything."

"Well, why did you move?"

"My Dad got a new job here. My Dad left his old job. He had a company. He and My Mom did. But he couldn't keep the job up, when..."

"When what?"

"When Mom died. She was his partner. In everything. He had to do everything by himself for the company they were in on together. But he couldn't handle it. So...we decided to move out here. New jobs, new schools, and new beginnings."

"Wow. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, Ben. That means a lot."

"No problem."

"So what about you? How long have you lived out here?"

"All my life. I was born here. So 17 years basically. My Mom first came here when she was 6 with her parents. We all lived here all our lives, and I guess never left."

"Would you ever want to leave?"

"I don't know."

"In all honesty, I never wanted to come here. I didn't want to leave my hometown. So my Dad has been giving me a hard time to give this town a chance, I'm starting to though.

"That's great Nessa. You'll love it here. I promise."

Nessa smiled. 

A question was blurted out of my mouth.

"Are you single?" I blurted out of know where.

Nessa looked at me and giggled.

"Yes." she answered.

My shivers from asking that question soon went away when I heard that she was single.

"What about you?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah I'm single I guess."

"You guess?"

"Well, uh..."

I tried to make it seem like I didn't like her right away. I did though, I just didn't want to make it obvious to make her feel creeped out.

"I have a thing for someone." I said.

"Do you now?" She smiled at me. 

"Yeah...her names Brea."

I was mad at myself for saying my ex's name. Out of all the girls name I could have said to her I said Brea's. Great. 

"Brea? That's a pretty name. Tell me about her!" 

"Uh...well. She's pretty, smart, funny.."

"She sounds wonderful."

"Yeah." I smiled looking at Nessa. "She is."

While I said that I was only thinking of Nessa being 'wonderful.'

A few hours later...

"It's getting dark." Nessa said to me while we sat on the grass and watched the sky.

"It is, isn't it?"

"Maybe we should head home."


We got up and said our goodbyes.

"Thanks for today, it was the most fun I've had since I've moved here really." Nessa said.

"No problem. I'm glad you had a good time." I smiled.

We left and after we got home we texted the whole night after. 

We were becoming good friends and I hoped it would be more soon. 

wow! this part got me thinking it was sad when nessa told her story. anywayzzz hope you enjoyed this part and more are coming! sorry i haven't been updating this, i've been very busy. but i will try my best to keep updating this story for you. :) i'm excited where this goesss! muah! <3.

heartjtc says hi. :)

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