Part 6. "Feelings Faded."

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hey guys. :) ty for 30 reads! it means a lot! and that's all <3 i dont wanna keep you here lol, but yeaaaa hope you enjoy this part and remember, feel free to leave cmts and if you don't understand anything because of my dumb self, then tell me and ill try to fix it because  usually, i go to fast and make my stories sounds diff and make no sense and someones i forget the correct names and stuff lol but yea! hope you enjoy adiossss <3 

heartjtc hopes you like this part :)


Ben looked up like he has seen a ghost. 

Ben saw Brea. His crush. He told me he had a crush on her 2 months ago, maybe he still does.

If he did, I know it would hurt me.

But I'm not sure why he seems so shocked to see her.

Ben told me she moved schools. She used to go to his school, so maybe that. 

"Ben?" Brea said dropping her ice cream cone.

"Brea..?" Ben said.

It was so awkward. 

Them, just staring at each other...

"What are you doing here?" Ben said clearing the silence.

"I'm here with my boyfriend..." She replied.

Ben looked shocked. But why? Because she was with another guy, which looked like it made Ben upset.

Which also made me upset.

"Uh, how have you been? It's been 8 months..." She said.

"Good..." He replied.

8 months? 

I didn't really understand what was going on.

Ben being so shocked about seeing just a crush.

It didn't make sense.

A guy came from the teddy bear booth and went right next to Brea and kissed her on the cheek.

"Babe, I got the tiger you wanted." He said putting his arm around her.

"Oh, know Tyler...My boyfriend." Brea said looking down.

I looked at Tyler and waved at him nervously. 

He waved back.

But he did not want to look at Ben.

"Tyler. Long time no see." Ben said.

"Hey Ben." Tyler said back.

I was so confused.

"What's going on here?" I blurted out.

"Nessa...this is Brea. My..ex girlfriend." Ben told me.

"Ex girlfriend? Since when? You told me a girl named Brea was just your crush at the park 2 months ago. Remember when I asked you if you were single?" I told him confused. 

Ben looked down. "I do remember. That's only because-"

Brea interrupted him.

"I'm not sure why he didn't tell you I was his ex girlfriend. And I don't know why I'm your crush still. You said you never even wanted to see me again after I..." 

Ben told me a little lie. That his ex was his crush. He pretended he didn't know her to me, he pretended she wasn't his ex to me. Which made me mad. I know it seems like a tiny lie, but why did he lie in the first place?  I just want to know. 

Ben covered his eyes and looked down.

Tyler looked at Ben nervously.

I was so confused by all of it.

"So lied to me at the park?" I told Ben.

"Yes, but I did it only because-" He tried to say.

"Why? Why did you have to lie about it?" I told him.

While we were talking Brea and Tyler were starting to leave and that's when Ronny came to us.

"Woah, what happened?" Ronny asked with snacks in his hand.

"Brea was here." Ben told him.

"What? Seriously? Was Tyler too?"

"Yeah..." Ben said back.

"Stop changing the subject. Ben why did you lie to me?" I told him.

"I told you I liked someone else at the park because well..."


"I was trying to cover up my real crush..." He told me.

Ronny's eyes got big. As if he finally figured out something.

"I knew it!" Ronny blurted out.

"Knew what..?" Ben said.

"That you like Nes-" Ronny became to say, but then Ben closed his mouth.

" lied to me because you tried to cover up your real crush?" I said.

"Yes..." said Ben taking his hand off of Ronny's mouth. 

"Why didn't you just say that? It's not like I would tell the person you liked them."

"I know...I just..."

"And you didn't tell me you had an ex girlfriend. I thought she was just a crush Ben." 

"I know Nes."

"Why couldn't you just tell me from the beginning? It wouldn't be a big deal, It just doesn't make sense that's all."

"I didn't even mean for Brea's name to come out of my mouth when you asked if I was single. I did plan to tell you I had a crush, but Brea's name slipped out. I was just going to say someone random..." 

"Ben, we're friends. You don't have to keep anything from me...okay?" I told him trying to form a smile.

"Okay..thanks." Ben said smiling back at me.

"One more thing. Why did you tell Brea you never wanted to see her again? Seemed pretty harsh..." I asked.

"She...cheated on me 8 months ago. With my old best friend. Tyler." Ben said looking down while Ronny patted his back.


"Ben, I'm sorry...I didn't know. I forgive you for not telling me the truth. I understand." I told him. 

I loved Ben. I understood why he was hurt. But...he WAS hurt. DId he still love Brea?

"No, I'm sorry. For just lying to you just like that." He told me. "I'm over her, I'll admit that I was depressed but someone got me over her and got me feeling happy."

"Who?" I asked.

"You." He chuckled. "I won't lie from now on." 

I smiled and I answered, "Well, I'm glad I made you happy." 

He smiled back and Ronny was behind us while we went straight to another booth. 

"These two love birds...are they ever gonna hook up?" Ronny said whispering to himself.

"Wait up guys!"

The rest of the night was amazing. Ben and I sat down and watched the fireworks go up when it turned dark.

I had fun.

Even if his ex was their. 

hi guys! sorry it took  me a long time to upload this, i was kind of busy and because i didn't know how to end this chapter. i felt as if it didn't make sense but i think i did okay. :) well i hope you enjoyed, and i might make the next part rn. ;) anywaysssss byee <3 muah <3 

heartjtc hoped you enjoyed. :)

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