Part 7. "Truth." {TIME SKIP}

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hi guys. :) before i start this part, i just want to say that i hope everyone had a really  great christmas and a good new years. i know i haven't been updating, but it's because i've been busy with school and much other stuff. i just want to say i'm still working on this. :) sorry it took me so long to update a new part. i'm getting there! i'm going to try to post a part everyday and i hope you guys like them (and hope the make sense lol) but yea, that's it hope you enjoy this part, i don't want to keep you waiting like always. but also, there's another time skip! sorryyyy anyways, let's see what 2021 has in store for us, muah! <3

heartjtc says hope you like this part, and hopes you had a good holiday and a good new years! :)



I've been thinking.


And how I feel about her.

I thought to myself...

I would do anything for her.

And I was right.

Seemes like too much?

Sorry, I'm in love.

I'm in love with my best friend.

Does she know yet?

Of course she does.

She knows I love her.

But she doesn't know I'm IN love with her.

That's the problem.

But, don't worry. I'll tell her soon.

I'm trying to enjoy being her best friend for now.

I don't want my feelings to ruin our friendship.

It's been 5 months.

Yeah, 5. Since the whole incident at Universal.

Nessa and I were doing fine.

We stayed being the best friends.

Nessa soon joined a volleyball team and I supported her at her games and practices.

She said she enjoyed my company, which made me happy.

Besides that, we chose Friday to be our day where we would go to our spot.

The park and we would be laying on the grass.

May sound like some boring spot, and something boring to do.

But it's where we had a moment, and I will never forget it.

Our parents immediately clicked once they got to know each other and meet.

Nessa's dad and my mom both clicked so fast because of their likes. They had a lot in common.

They let us go out when we wanted, because they realized how much fun and a good time we had with each other.

Ronny and I haven't talked in a month.

He was my other best friend who has been their for me from the start. We didn't always talk when we were little, but we soon did again after the Brea situation. That's why he means a lot to me.

But, he's been ignoring my calls and has been ignoring me at school.

I didn't know why...

But I brushed it off, because I know for sure I didn't do anything wrong.

Every time Ronny saw me at school, he saw me with her.

All the time.

Was I with her too much?


No, right?

I don't know. But its been amazing with her.

I don't want it to ever end. Ever.

Today was Friday. Which meant it was the day for Nessa and I to go to our spot and hang out.

But I got a weird text from her.

I woke up at 7 in the morning for school, and that's when my phone vibrated next to my leg on my bed.

I picked it up, and read the message out loud.

"Hey Ben, I can't make it to our spot today, and I won't be at school today. I'm sorry. - Nessa."

"Seriously...I was going to tell her about how I felt today."

"Maybe I still can, I can stop by her house after school. If she's there."

"Good plan, Ben."

I got ready and got my backpack, and mom took me to school.

"Have a good day, Ben. I love you." Mom said.

"Bye, mom." I responded.

I got out the car, and went inside the school.

First period was okay. But I was thinking about Nessa the whole time. I was planning on telling her my feelings about her today, so it was special for me.

First period ends, and lunch starts.

I couldn't find Nessa, then I remembered she wasn't at school today. I wondered why.

I got my lunch, and sat at a empty lunch table.

Not long after, a girl with blond hair with black highlights joined me. She had black lipstick on, looked like matte lipstick.

I've never even seen her before.

She had black eye liner on, and a lot of it. Her clothes matched her makeup.

Black long sleeved shirt with rips on the sleeves, and a black tight skirt that had ruffles on the bottom.

"Hey," She said smirking at me. "Mind if I sit with you, mate?"

"Uh, sure." I responded.

"Names Zella. I had no where else to sit, the lunch lady didn't let me eat in the staff room today. Weird, my money always works with her." She said biting a huge bite in her apple.

"I'm Ben." I told her.

"You look sad. Thinking about someone?"

"No?" I told her looking down poking at my salad.

"Which girl? Every girl here sucks anyway, but who?"

"Fine, Nessa."

"The girl with the brown hair? Dudeeee, your not very good at picking."


"Isn't she the girl who got beat up and was in a huge school fight where she used to live? That's why she moved here."


"You haven't heard? No one even likes her, except you dude."

"She hasn't been in any fight. She wouldn't do that."

"Dude, she put a girl in a hospital."

Was this girl okay? She kept telling lies. Nessa isn't the one to be in a school fight and do something that horrible to someone else.

"The girl's in a coma back where she lived." She said smiling.

"Okay, okay stop. I'm leaving."

"See you, benny boo."

Someone I loved put someone else in the hopsital and they were in a coma?

That's...something I don't want to believe.

AHHHH HEY GUYS, ITS BEEN A DAM MINUTE HUH? LOL I HOPE YOU ENJOYED PLS COMMENTTTTT, sorry im typing like that butt yeaaaa hope you enjoyed and i promise to be more active on this and my other story :) love ya'lll, muah! <3

heartjtc says hope you enjoyed this part. :)

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