Part 10. "Old Things Coming Back."

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I was scared.

I was in shock.

I was terrified.

I fell in love with a girl who's perfect. Turns out...she's not so perfect. 

She's done things. 

And don't get me wrong, I know people do things.

But the things she did...they're horrible.

And she says she regrets it...but does she really? 

She told me the story. And I listened.

But while I did I was shaking. 

I..felt horrible for having feelings for someone who would push an innocent girl off a building.

Nessa says she isn't innocent.

She started the fight.

Okay...she probably did.

But you shouldn't should end it.

You should never keep a fight going. Especially for a guy. _________________________________________________________

It's been a few days since our phone call.

I haven't been going to school, I've been sick.

Mom keeps telling me to reach out to Nessa, but I say no.

She said I should take it light and easy on her.

No can I even do that?

There was one person who I wanted to talk to about all of this.


But he's been like MIA. 


Lately, we don't even talk.

Besides Ronny, I would talk to Brea.

Brea was once my person. Who understood what I had to say. 

I always opened up to her.

Maybe I could again.

I dialed her phone number into my phone.

I remembered her phone number...what a creep.

I waited a couple of seconds, and I heard her voice. 

"Hello? Who's this?" she asked sounding like she was chewing gum.

"Brea. Hey..."


"Yes, it's me." I said nervously.

"Oh my god, hey.. How'd you get my number?" She said back.

"I remembered it. Such a creep."

"You're fine. So, what's up?"

"I'm glad we're cool like this. I just...needed someone to talk to."


"Yeah. You were once my person...I could tell you anything to be honest."

"You were my person too," I could here her happiness in her voice.

"What do you want to talk about Ben?" She continued.

"It's a really long story." 

"I got all the time in the world. Dump it on me."

And I did. 

And she listened.

Which I loved.


"Omg, Ben! You're crazy why did you do that?" Brea said laughing through the phone.

"Ronny was messing with me first! I had to put that pickle in his nose!" I responded with a chuckle.

"I wonder what Nessa said."

"She recorded the whole thing. She always posts it." I laughed.

"Oh." I said and stopped laughing.

"What's wrong?" 

"I don't want to talk about Nessa."

"If you want we don't have to, I'm sorry I brought up her name."

"It's fine."

"Do you really feel like ignoring her is best? She's done things but...she still seems like a good person by how you talk about her."

"Yes, it is best."


"Brea, it's best to ignore her I swear."

"Listen to me Ben," she said lowering her voice. "We were together for a long time. We loved each other. We had a connection. And we we're happy. But I hurt you. Badly. And it was the most worst mistake I have ever made. Because I felt something huge for you and I will always regret kissing Tyler. And look at us right now, talking and having a good time. Do you forgive me?"

I paused for a minute. 

"Brea...where is this coming from?"

"Just answer my question. Do you forgive me?"

"I do."

"And I hurt you extremely badly, didn't I?"


"And you still forgive me."

"I really do."

"Then why not do the same for Nessa?"

She really turned it around. Wow.

"It's complicated."

"It's really not Benny. She said she changed. Maybe just believe her. You don't know what's she's going through. So go through it with her."


"Is that yes?"

"I'll see."

"That's great."



"Thank you for this, for real." I smiled.

She paused.

"Of course Ben." 

I could tell Brea still felt something for me...did I feel the same?

WOW...i can't believe it's been almost two months since i have uploaded. I have been crazy busy of course, but i also have been lazy lol. I really miss ya'll even if i don't have a lot of people HAHA. But i hope you're doing wonderful and i hope your day is bright. :) i will be uploading more chapters of my two other stories so go check those out if you want to. Anyways bye! Muah! <3

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