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We’ve been in Texas for three months now, everything is perfect. I spoke to Bella about how I were supposed to Kill Char but she stopped me right away and told me it were in the past, and not to worry. She also told me that she doesn’t expect me to talk about my past with Maria because she knew it were an hard time for me – but I also know there were a few more reasons why she wasn’t bothered and them been; One – She’s been with Maria herself and see first-hand what it’s like been in the bitches clutches and Two; because she knows everything from Peter and Char, but she doesn’t want to let me know and grass her parents up, which I understand.

She asked me if I remember anything from my human life and I told her I remembered nothing what – so – ever, she felt bad for me, but once I explained that it were easier for me to accept what I were because I didn’t remember about my family it were like they never existed. She asked if there were any way for me to find out would I go for it and I answered without thinking ‘yes’. I wanted to know about my family, if I had a wife, children, everything, but I also knew not to get my hopes up, because I really don’t think that will ever happen.

Today is Bella’s 18th birthday. Char decided to cook Bella sausage, eggs, bacon, beans, tomatoes and toast and let her eat in bed. I couldn’t wait till Bella opened her present from me, I knew she were going to scream her head off.

“Happy birthday baby” I whispered in to her ear so only she could hear when she finally came downstairs after a shower and getting changed. Peter grabbed hold of her and chucked her in the air. “Happy birthday Princess” Peter told her with a big smile on his face before nodding towards the four presents that were on the kitchen counter top in the middle of the kitchen.

I knew she loved her presents off of her mum and dad because the emotions I were getting from her were like nothing I’ve felt before. They had gotten her some diamond earrings and bracelet as well as some beige ‘Jimmy Choo’ stilettos and long sleeved dress that were about six inches above her knee. She were in love with them. She gave them hugs and thanked them so much.

Once she had calmed down I gave her a small box, which made her raise an eyebrow, but I wasn’t telling her anything. She ripped the wrapping paper off the box. I had to laugh at her puzzled look once she say there were a key there with a note. “Read it” Char urged her.

As soon as she read the note she ran straight to the garage, we were all behind her. As soon as she saw the white Ferrari 458 with a big red bow on it her jaw dropped. When she looked back at us I were shocked to see tears in her eyes. Within seconds she were in my arms giving me a hug, I were shocked with the amount of strength she had for a human. “Thank you” Bell told me while looking in to my eyes before giving me a kiss.

Peter growled, which made me, Bella and Char roll her eyes. “Daddy I’m 18 now” Bella reminded him, but Peter didn’t acknowledge her he were giving me the death glare. I knew we were going to be having words.

Bella stiffened then jumped out of my arms and ran straight up to her room crying her eyes out. “Look what you’ve done Peter” Char growled at him before carrying on. “You need to sort this out, our daughter is 18 now, she’s grown up” Peter didn’t even look at her – he were still staring at me with the ‘If I could I would kill you with these looks’ look. Char huffed and went up to Bella.  

“She’s 18 now Peter” I told him. “Shut up!” He growled at me, I had to stop myself from smiling, this shit were funny. “She’s my fucking daughter, you best keep your hands off her” I looked at him with a raised eye-brow before speaking.

“How would you like if someone told you to stay away from Char” He didn’t even blink. “Look Peter, she’s my mate. Do you even think for one minute that I’d hurt her?” I asked him. “Not intentionally, but still she my daughter Jasper” I nodded at him.

“I understand that Peter, but you need to understand that I would never hurt Bella, she means so much to me, she’s my whole world. If I ever hurt her, I would come straight to you for you to kill me” He nodded at me. “I mean it Jasper ever hurt her and I will kill you” I nodded at him. “You should go speak to Bella” He nodded and headed in to Bella’s room.


As soon as I walked in to Bella’s room Char left, but not before giving me a look that meant I best fix this. “I’m sorry princess” I told her while pulling her in to my arms. “You know you’ll always be my daddy, no matter what happens between me and Jasper. Nothing’s going to change between us. I’d still come to you for advice, or when I just need cuddles from my daddy” Bella whispered, and I knew she figured out what we’re bothering me; I didn’t want to lose my daughter. “Me and Jasper spoke a couple of weeks ago and I told him that I would never leave you or mum, and he agreed, so If you’d still have us we wanna stay here” I smiled at her before kissing her cheek. “Of course princess, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you” She smiled at me. “I love you too daddy”

We sat in complete silence, me just having alone time with my daughter, it were amazing. “Come on, you need to have a drive of your new car” I told her which made her smile.

I were  just walking downstairs when my ‘knower’ went on one. Something major, is about to come out soon, but what about? God sometimes I hate this god damn gift! All I knew were once Bella’s changed we have to go to the Volturi, Great!

The truth will always come out - Jasper/Bella [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now