Chapter 11

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What is it with this girl? She’s on my mind constantly. I always want to be around her. To touch her. To love her. To be with her the whole time.

Who text her to make her feel so sad and pissed at the same time, the other day at school? Where did she drive off to? How does she know about us?

Alice has been pretty pissed off. She told us the other day that Bella was Edward’s mate. For some reason that made me want to rip Edward apart and fuck Bella into submission. Bella is mine!

No, no she can’t be. Can she?

God her arousal smells better than any human’s blood. That’s another thing; I don’t have any urges to suck her dry like I do any other human. Bella is the only human who I want to protect and love.

I know Alice isn’t my mate, but why do I have a strange urge to show everyone let them be human or vampire, that Bella is mine. Not pussy boy’s.

Before heading to the baseball field I signed the divorce papers I’ve had in my study for a couple of years now, and put them back in my draw ready to give to Alice when we get back. She’s not my mate and she never will be.

I have a feeling she’s been following her visions so I don’t run into my mate. That’s another reason why I think Bella is my mate. The way Alice tries to keep me away from her. Insisting that she’s Edward’s mate. And the fuckton of hope, deceit and anger coming from her just lately.

Tough luck pixie you aren’t ma mate and never will be!

She even made me stop using my accent because ‘it’s annoying’. She tells me what to do to what I eat. Telling me where my meals will be all the god damn time!

The amount of flirting going on between me and Bella today have be on a high. I know all the Cullen’s have noticed, but aren’t stupid enough to say anything to me about it.

I couldn’t help thinking about Bella in a sexual way, and if Edward doesn’t like it he needs to get out of my head.

When she let out that she knew about us, I wasn’t really shocked. I knew from day one she knew about us, but how does she know about my gift? How did she learn that move? Because I so don’t believe her about self-defence lessons.

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