Chapter 14

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I can’t believe Alice. I know we wasn’t mates but how could she keep me away from Bella, let alone try and have her killed?

“What else Peter?” I growled at him. I wanted to know how they had ended up in Forks. Bella stood up and went into the kitchen. “That was the night when I realised something was wrong. Bella reminded me so much of you. Tha-“Was all he got out because we all heard an ear piercing scream coming from the kitchen.

I rushed into the kitchen, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was seeing. Alice was behind my beautiful Bella with her arm around her throat.

“How does it feel to be back in this situation Bella?” Alice whispered into Bella’s ear. “Like you’re going to die bitch” Bella hissed – which made Alice laugh. “I don’t think so”

“Just breathe Bella. Let your body do what it wants. We will always be here, don’t get scared” Peter told her.  Bella took a deep breath with her eyes closed. When she opened them I didn’t know what to say her eyes was bright red. What the fuck? I looked at Peter and raised an eyebrow to which he gave me a smug look.

Not even a second later Bella flipped behind Alice and grabbed her around her throat. “Told you, you was going to die bitch” Bella hissed into Alice’s ear before ripping her head off. Peter told us all get down into submissive. I kept my eyes on my mate and fuck me if she wasn’t damn sexy. “I suggest you keep those thoughts to yourself Jasper” Edward mumbled.

I looked back at Bella and noticed she was ripping Alice into pieces. “BELLA!” Peter roared but nothing was stopping her. “SHIT! All the pent up anger from what Alice has done to her, won’t let her come back to herself!” Peter hissed. Only thing I could think of was to pin her down to bring her back to her normal self.

I lunged at her and had her pinned to the floor just as she was about to go for her lighter. Char and Peter was behind me and grabbed hear arms and legs while I sat on top of her. “Bella darlin, come back ta me” I whispered in her ear. “Come on darlin” Still nothing, she just kept trying to push us all away from her, I tried to push calm emotions towards her but they wasn’t doing anything. “Come on sug. Come back to us” Char tried still nothing. “Bella calm down princess. You can do it, just fight the blackness” Peter told her. “Come on darlin you need to calm down. Everything is going to be fine. As soon as we sort this out, we can all go back to Texas if you wish” I knew she missed Texas.

That was the thing that brought her back to us. She calmed her movements down and her eyes closed, when they opened they was back to her usual brown. One thing for sure I was horny as a mother fucker now.


“W-what happened?” I asked still confused to what happened. I wanted to get up and take some headache tablets, but nobody was moving off of me. “You don’t remember?” Emmett asked. “No” I told him truthfully.

“You’re like me” Jasper whispered. “I still don’t understand” Dad smiled. “Remember I told you Jasper had another side to him – ‘the major’?” Dad asked me, after nodding he carried on. “You have another side to you” My jaw was hanging open. “But I’m not a vampire” Dad smiled. “You was supposed to be. Even if Alice didn’t do what she did, me and your mum would still be your parents. You was born for us” Mum looked shocked.

“I think you should tell us all the truth Peter. NOW!” Mum hissed at him. After huffing he dived into his story, and everyone got off of me. “All I know is that, even though you didn’t give birth to Bella, she is still our daughter. She was born for us. One way or another her birth parents would of died and she would have ended up with us no matter what. Why do you think a certain someone told us about the bond they see between the three of us? The shock they was in at first. They thought she was biologically ours” Ma’s jaw was hanging. “Can I ask one question?” I asked pa, after he nodded he carried on. “What do James, Laurent and Victoria have to do with all this?” Ma laughed. “You don’t remember them?” I shook my head no. “Well you was young when we met you Bella. Were like your aunt and uncles you could say” Victoria told me. I smiled and nodded.

“Still that doesn’t answer how Alice became I pile of limbs in our kitchen” I mumbled knowing they all heard me. “You did it” Edward told me. “Well I know that you muppet, but how?” I shot back at him.

“Your eyes was red, like our when we just feed. There was no stopping you, everyone had to get into submissive positions. You ripped her into pieces, me Jasper and your mum stopped you before you could burn her” Dad told me. I just nodded my head and let everything sink in.

Even if Alice didn’t do what she did, my parents would still be who they are. I was born for them. Then I thought about how Alice ended up a pile of limbs on my parent’s kitchen floor.

“Maybe, we should put Alice back together so we could see why she did what she did?” Esme asked worried about her ‘daughter’. “What you think she would have a perfectly good reason for what she did to my daughter and Jasper?” Mum asked laughing before carrying on. “The Pixie did it for her own gain. Her mate is dead, she killed him when she tried to change him. She didn’t want to be alone so she used her visions to get what she wanted” Everyone looked pissed off. “She’s played us all the bitch. I say we let Bella burn the bitch” Rose hissed. “Ooh goody. I haven’t danced around a pyre for a couple of years” I told her with my predatory smile. Rose looked scared which made pa laugh. “Don’t worry Rosalie, she won’t bite” Everyone started laughing. “No but seriously the bitch needs to die for what she did to me” I hissed. Everyone went quiet knowing there was no arguing with me on this one!

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