Chapter 1

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My name is Isabella Piper; I have the best parents, even though you may think that I'm crazy. My parents are called Peter and Charlotte Piper; they adopted me when I was one month old, when my legal mum and dad died in a car crash. They both smelt the scent of their blood, and went to check it out when they found me alive in the back seat. They called for an ambulance. They then applied to adopt me.

I am 16 years old and 5.6". We currently live in Houston, Texas. I love it here, it's always sunny, so I can keep up with my tan. I have been home schooled from day 1, to make sure I didn't tell anyone our secret, but then I didn't want to go to school, I'd prefer to spend time with my parents.

I am a big time daddy's girl, a pure bad ass. Dad taught me how to fight newborns, and humans. He said at least I would be prepared for when I'm changed. The only friends I have are Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix, from the Volturi, we all stay in touch. Mum and dad had to take me to the Volturi when the adoption was complete so Aro could meet me, even though he already agreed for them to adopt me, ever since then, we've all been close.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a pencil been chucked at my head. I looked up to see daddy looking at me with nothing but concern. "You ok princess?" I smiled. "Just thinking how great my life is" I told him while jumping in to his arms, so I can have some nice cuddles from my dad. "Come on, I need to talk to you and your mum" I was about to answer him, but I was thrown over his shoulder, seconds later I was sat next to mum.

"What's up dad?" I looked at mum to see if she knew what was going off, but she shook her head 'no' "We're going on a trip to Italy" but he looked like he was hiding something. "What you hiding Peter?" Mum asked him. "Now you both know that if I don't tell you something it's for the best. We're going so Bella can go see her friends" With that I squealed and went to run to pack my stuff but when I went to go upstairs mum was already packing. We were on our way to the airport within a couple of minutes.

I was getting excited to go see Jane, she was like the sister I never had. Mum and dad loved her. We only liked Marcus, Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix. Aro and Caius knew this but there both scared of my parents.

My parents have been in the Southern wars, there sire is Major Jasper Whitlock, The god of war. Dad is known as The Captain, while mum is known as The Lieutenant. They were changed to be in a war over territory and feeding grounds. I have never met Jasper, but I have read both mums and dads journals from the time they was changed, to help Maria gain her feeding grounds, and when I meet him, If I ever meet him, I will be thanking him, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have the parents I have.

"You ok sug?" Mum asked me. "Just thinking how lucky I am" I told her honestly while looking at my parent with nothing but love. "You made our existence better, then it could have been" Dad told me. I just smiled at them both. What can I say? My parents are the best.


I hate it when I hide things from my family, but they both know if I don't tell them, then it's for their own good. I may hate lying to them, but I hate this happening to them. My daughter, she's never done anything wrong, but this has to happen to her. I've already spoke to Aro about it, and he said seen as though Bella is my daughter, I can take in to my own hands until the Major finds out. I knew he wouldn't argue with me anyways, the whole Volturi are scared of me and my family.

When the Major finds out all this shit he's going to be pissed. My Char, when she finds out, she's going to be pissed. Now, when Bella is changed, the pixie will be lucky if she is still living her miserable existence!

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