Chapter 9

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We arrived at the hospital in silence. Jasper said nothing to me.  Jasper left to find his ‘farther’, while I got shoved into a curtained cubicle and was left alone.

“Knock, knock” came a calm voice as the curtain was swept aside and in walked Carlisle Cullen. “We haven’t got your parents number Bella, but there seems to be nothing wrong with you so we don’t need to call them if you don’t need us to” I smiled glad that I didn’t have to come up with a lame excuse as to why my parents couldn’t come to the hospital. I can’t exactly tell him that my parents are vampires and feed off of humans.

After signing some forms I was good to go. Jasper offered to give me a ride to school. I decided to go for my truck and head home. “What’s got you so happy Miss Piper?” Jasper asked me when we got in to Carlisle’s car Jasper borrowed to take us back to school. "Just glad to be alive you know, Mr Hale" I lied.

"So the prognosis was good then? No possible relapse of "overactin'itis" in your future?"

"Nobody likes a smart-arse! Though, I can't say that a relapse won't ever happen again; it depends on the situation sometimes" I laughed "Besides, I did you a favour." I winked at him. "How do you figure that darlin'? I believe I was the one that saved your pretty little ass back there" He's at it again with the ‘darlin’. "True, but I believe giving you an excuse to avoid your family's clutches saved your handsome ass right back."

His answering smile sent a strange sensation south of my stomach. I needed to finish this right now before I do something incredibly stupid; like lock lips with him and rip off his shirt! "Did I actually thank you for saving my life" I asked coyly. "No" he answered with that same smile. "Well. Remind me to do that someday" I told him before walking towards my truck.

When I arrived home mum and dad was both stood at the front door waiting for me. I was in my mum’s arms not even a second later. “Thank god you’re alright. Your dad didn’t tell me about it till a couple of minutes ago” I smiled and kissed my mum on her cheek. “I’m perfectly fine”

We walked inside the house and there was a cup of coffee on the table waiting for me. “Ok princess, they’re going to invite you round tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going to happen when you go, but both me and ya ma will be there on guard” I smiled and nodded. “Is that all you know?” I asked he smiled. “It’s nearly over princess” I smiled then. Finally I can go back home to Texas with both my mate and parents.

The truth will always come out - Jasper/Bella [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now