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Meanwhile, across the island, Emma Perkins was frantically tidying her apartment. Her boyfriend, Paul, was trying to calm her frenzy.

"Quit pretending you're someone you're not. You're not Jane."
Emma smirks.
"They seem to think I am. I can only wish to be as organised as she was."

Paul was about to retort back when the doorbell rang.

"Oh god. They're here."
Emma charged downstairs full pelt. Paul sighed and followed her slowly. By the time he had reached the front door, Emma seemed to be avidly conversing with a couple. She quickly introduced Paul to them.
"Paul these are my parents. Mom, Dad. This is Paul."
"Your husband, I presume?"

Emma paused, thinking it through. They had been dating for a year and a half. Were they going too slow?
Paul had started to answer but she interrupted.
"Yes! Yes we are married." She said dangling her ring that she had got from her best friend for her birthday.

The conversation continued but Paul droned it out. Husband? Were things going too slow for her? He looked over at her. She glanced back with an expression that clearly stated "What was I supposed to do?" Paul sighed. It was going to be a long week.

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