9 - Finale

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After the memorial, Emma, Paul, Becky, Tom, Tim, Hannah and Lex meet up outside the room.
"Hannah,Tim. I'm sorry. I have held you back. Hannah, I have you trapped in the past when I should let you explore the future. I ruin your relationship because i don't want to accept that you have grown up. I hope you forgive me.
" Lex, I understand that you are anchored in the past. You haven't been a relationship since he died and I understand that. But you need to remember, I was not his girlfriend. We were close but we weren't as close as you were. Of course we fight, we're sisters. But we always forgive each other." Hannah hugs Lex warmly.

"Emma, I love you too. Well, not in the same way that they do, but as a boyfriend. I know you were uncomfortable keeping up that lie with your parents. Which is why it shouldn't be a lie." Paul nervously took the small black velvet box out of his pocket. "Emma Perkins, will you marry me?"
"Of course. You really thought i would say no?" Emma laughs as Paul puts the ring on her finger.

"Come on Banana," Says Lex fondly. "Let's go home."
"Aren't you guys coming?" asks Hannah.
"No. Becky doesn't like woods. She get flashbacks." Tim replies.
"I do not get flashbacks. I remember bad things vividly." Becky quotes. She, Tim, Tom, Emma and Paul laugh with Lex and Hannah left confused. They all leave via the wood free route.

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