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Paul woke with a jolt. Someone was shaking him. He glanced lazily at his girlfriend. She was shaking him, to try to get him to wake up. She was in black.

"Good, you're awake. Put this on." Emma said, thrusting a black suit at him.
"What's the occasion? Thanksgiving was yesterday... Ohhhh. Right."
"We need to support Tom. He lost many people he loved last year."
"I know. What time is it? 10:47? Remember what we were doing at 10:47 last year?"
"Babysitting Tim, weren't we? Poor Tim. I heard he is dating Hannah, remember her? We managed to escape with her, her sister; Lex, Tom, Becky and Tim."
"I remember."

10 minutes later, they trudge downstairs, all dressed up but too early to go.
"Where are you going in that?" asked Mrs Perkins.
"Tom lost a lot of people he cared about a year ago today. We are going to support him."
"Oh. Well, what time is this? We are leaving in around 30 minutes."
"It starts at 2 but we are going for lunch with Tom, his fiancé Becky and Tim."
"Becky. Such an ugly name. Jane is much prettier."
"Mom, he is allowed to remarry."
"Whatever. When are you leaving then?"
"Around quarter to 12. We'll be here when you leave."
"Well, as long as you're here for that, then that's fine."

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