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"Ethan was a loyal boyfriend. I know he really cared for me and my sister Hannah. He died as he tried to protect Hannah."

Lex stood down, glad to hide her face, as Hannah stepped forward.
"He was trying to get us into a film. Santa Claus is going to high school. He didn't realise that the prices had gone up and he didn't have enough money for us. He noticed I was anxious so he comforted me. Suddenly, two men ran in. I remember his words. He asked them if they were OK. One of them said he wasnt and they started to attack him. He told me to run and hide which I did."
Hannah was crying but her voice stood strong. Tom replaced her.

" We ran in to escape everyone else. My now fiancé was holding a wiggly. I fought off the men. Ethan was laying on the floor. I recognized him from teaching his class. We almost stumbled over him. His first words to us were his last. He said, thinking she was his girlfriend, 'Lex, I'll get you to California, Lex. Then you don't gotta cry so much anymore.' and he died. Thank you."

Lex was listening while trying to hold back tears. His last few sentences were to save her and Hannah. She looked over to Hannah. Tears running down her face but she remained her composure. She saw Tim's hand snaked round her back. They looked so happy. So carefree. It reminded Lex of how she felt with Ethan. Tim glanced over to her and he withdrew his hand sheepishly. Was Lex the one stopping their relationship?

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