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Author's Note. 

This chapter contains some serious topics such as Anxiety or Panic attacks and Depression.

Lex followed Tom inside his house. Immediately, She heard someone crying. Hannah. Lex rushed in and cradled her baby sister but unlike normal, Hannah pushed her away. 

"Lex, You're the last person I want to see right now. Leave me alone." Lex's heart breaks but she remains strong. 
"Hannah... I know you're hurt. He didn't deserve this. But do you know what- what-" Lex sighed. It's just a name, Lex. Just say it. 

" Do you know what Ethan would say if he were here? He'd say-"

"No! I'll tell you what he wanted. He would have wanted us to live our lives happy and full of excitement. Lex, You may be happy, but I'm not. You force me away from the person that makes me happy and guess what that leads to! Depression! Do you want me to develop depression? Cause you're going the right way about it." With that, Hannah stormed upstairs to Tim's room. Defeated, Lex tries to handle her own mental health. Taking the Sertraline pills out of her bag, she swallows the tablet, not knowing that she had in her hand the exact thing that Hannah needed. 

Lex glanced up to see Tim running down to his parents. He told Becky something and she followed him upstairs with great urgency. Around 10 minutes later, Becky came back downstairs and approached Lex. 
"Lex," Becky began. " Do you know why Hannah could be so worked up?" 
"Um. Well we had a fight around 15 minutes ago. Why?" Becky took a deep breath.
"Hannah had an anxiety attack."
"What? Are you sure? Is she ok now?"

 "She's just a little shaken. She looked like she was going to collapse though it is lucky she didn't. She seemed to have some breathing difficulties. " 
"She has breathing difficulties? She is fine normally."
"Oh no, with anxiety attacks, it can affect your respiration system but it's only temporarily."

"Becky!" Tim's voice came from upstairs. "Becky, she threw up again." Becky bustled upstairs but not before pausing. 
"Lex? We are planning on leaving at around 1:20 so be ready to go in 10 minutes." 

They rode to the memorial in silence; Hannah clasping the small bowl, Lex gazing out the window mournfully with Tim in the middle, holding Hannah close. The dress that Hannah had had to borrow from Lex looked beautiful on her and, though she didn't admit it, Lex thought it looked better on Hannah than it did on herself.

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