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By the light of the moon, the Fosters bade goodnight to the Houstens and Becky (Who classed herself as a Housten).
"Thanks for the magazine, Becky."
"No problem."
"See you at shop class tomorrow, Lex."
"Oh yeah I forgot. Becky is it ok if Hannah comes over tomorrow?"
"Of course, She is welcome any time. As long as you are getting your education, I'll look after her."
"Thank you so much."

A few metres away, Hannah and Tim hugged.
"Here I presume."
Tim nodded. Their eyes met. Tim leaned in. Their lips brushed as they kissed. Suddenly Hannah pulled back. Confused, Tim looked up. He saw Hannah's silent plead as Lex dragged her sister away.
"Goodbye." She snapped coldly. Hannah's gaze lingered on Tim but he turned his back. How could their first kiss go so badly? Hurt, she followed Lex out of sight.

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