Every Second Counts (10)

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Chapter 10

"I'm cold," I whined as I curled up on the uncomfortable couch. I was laying on my side, with my head on the arm rest. The spring in the cushion seemed to be jabbing into me and making me really uncomfortable now. I have no idea how long I had been laying here for, but I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon so I didn't bother getting up.

"Tristian!" I yelled across the room until I got his atention. He was sitting on the floor leaning against the far wall. When I called him, his head snapped up from where it had been resting on his muscular arms. His bright eyes just stared at me as he kept a blank expression on his face. 

"What?" He asked, his voice monotone. 

"I said I'm cold," I complained once more. I sounded like an annoying little kid who never stopped complaining. It was true though! The temperature seemed to decrease immensely since I had joined Tristian back in this room. I was probably going to freeze to death sometime soon. 

"Well if you hadn't put out the fire i spent so long making you wouldnt be so cold," Tristian snapped at me before placing his forehead against his forarms and hiding his face from me. 

I blinked at him several times before I burst out laughing. I don't know why, or what caused me to suddenly look so insane, but I did anyways. I probably sounded like a dying horse or something, but I eventually caught the attention of Tristian and we locked eyes. I couldn't seem to look away from his bright green eyes as he stared back into my own. 

It was only when the corner of Tristian's soft lips pulled up into a slight smile I realized that we could actually get through this; and we could get through this together. 

Standing up suddenly I walked over to the staff table the had set up in the corner near the door. When I had first entered the room I had tossed that extra sweater I had picked up onto the table here before racing over and practically attacking Tristian. Anyways, I picked up the sweater and walked back over towards where Tristian sat, staring at his entwined fingers in front of him. 

His hands looked so soft. His fingers were thin and long, but not odd looking. They looked so perfect, and I wanted to reach out and just hold his hands in mine. I wanted him to hold my hand in his and rub circles on my palm with his thumb, and clasp our fingers together. 

I nearly blushed at the thought of us holding hands. I suddenly chucked the sweater at Tristian and watched as it landed on his head, covering his face from me and snapping him out of his daze. He pulled the sweatshirt off his head, leaving his hair to get all messed up, and he stared at the dark material he now held in his hand. 

"Thank you," I heard Tristian mumble as he stood up suddenly. He slid his arms into the sweatshirt and easily pulled it over his head. I watched as a part of his shirt rose up, revealing his muscled stomach. He seemed to flex and show off every muscle in his body as he slid the sweater over his thin, built frame. 

Once Tristian actually pulled his head through the sweater is hair was sticking up in all different places. I wanted to reach up and fix it for him but I knew I shouldn't do that. I watched as he pouted, sticking his bottom lip out slightly as he reached up to fix his own hair. He ran his fingers through his thick hair and I could see his sad face suddenly turn brighter, his eyes lighting up like it was Christmas morning. 

I blushed again, turning to face away from Tristian and towards the pile of books I had on the floor in front of me. I sat down on the cold floor and opened the all too familiar book. I stared at the black cover in my hands as the gold letters sat effortlessly on the front. Romeo and Juliet. 

I pretty well clutched the book in my hands until I could pretty much feel Tristian sit down beside me. I only looked at him out of the corner of my eye before I opened up my beloved book to a random page and quickly ripped it out. I drew in a breath as I crumpled the page and tossed it on top of the small pile of black pages. 

"It's not like it was that good of a book," I mumbled as I ripped out another page. I sounded like I was trying to convince myself that what I said was really true. 

I sounded like such a nerd right now. Don't get me wrong, I love books and stuff like that, but I would never stay home studying when i could be out with friends or something like that. I didn't even get the highest marks in my classes, so I wasn't exactly a nerd.

I was far from being a popular girl as well. I didn't like going shopping everyday and getting my hair and nails done. I also didn't pick on random people I passed in the hallway. I guess I was just under that nobody category. I didn't have a specific group, and I didn't really fit in anywhere. 

When I felt the book being ripped out of my hand I looked up at Tristian, slightly startled. He had a thin smile spread across his face but it looked thin and not at all the same as his usually goofy one. He still smiled at me though as he glanced at me through his long, dark eyelashes.

"You dont have to rip apart these books if you dont want to," he told me and I felt a sigh escape my lips without even realizing.

"I would rather be warm," I laughed slightly. When I looked up at Tristian he showed a slightly shocked expression before his eyes turned softer and he smiled at him.

It was a normal Tristian smile. No smirks, no teasing grin, no sorrow filled smiles or fake one either. This was a real smile from Tristian; and it looked good on him. When he smiled like his is eyes light up in a way I haven't seen them do in years. His whole body shows that hes generally happy when he looks as he does right now, smiling like an idiot. 

"You ready to burn some books?" Tristian asked and I nodded excitedly in response. 

I picked up the book I had previously had before Tristian had snatched it away from me. We both opened our books up to random pages and ripped them out. Before we knew it in front of us sat a pile of crumpled up pages and I grinned happily to myself. 

I watched as Tristian stood up and easily strode over to the counter near the mini kitchen the teachers had in here. He opened one of the drawers and I recognized what he had grabbed. It was a lighter. He smiled to himself as he closed the drawer and brought he lighter back over to where we sat. 

I was surprised when Tristian dropped the lighter into my lap as he walked past. I caught it easily but looked up at him with an extremely confused look on my face. He just smiled back down at me, his bright green eyes sparkling with joy. 

"Would you like to do the honours?" 

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