Every Second Counts (3)

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I climbed into my car, just chucking my school bag into the passenger seat of the car. I had some old, cheep car that was probably my moms from when she was a teenager: three hundred years ago. It was one of those old, beat up cars that looked, and sounded like it could break down any second. Mine of course was an old, kind of grey colour car that didn't have much rust on it but you really had to force it to move a lot of the time. 

I've been saving up for a new car since the first day I was told I was driving this rust bucket. The car still ran, kind of, and it got me to where I needed to go so i couldn't complain much. At least I didn't have to walk, bike, or catch a ride with my mom or something. I couldnt complain much becasue others didnt have a car, and even though we are older now and our parents should let us become more responsible, it took a lot of convincing just to get the car I had now. 

My dad had to convince my mom the most. Of course I wanted to get the new red, shiny car that had just come out that year but my mom said it was far to expensive. My dad was up for helping me buy any car I wanted, but my mom had to reason with him and they eventually found the beauty I have now. of course, since I got it as a present I didn't want them to think I hated it; which I don't really. 

My dad had actually worked on the car a little when I was younger. He would always let me help with the stupid stuff like bringing him the screw driver or handing him the wrench. He got me involved, even though I wasn't actually fixing the car. I mean, back then I thought I was helping him actually fix the car even though I really wasn't. 

I loved my dad lots though, and even after he sent the car away he managed to go back and find the car for me. I really did love the car when I was younger so my dad thought he would bring it back, all repaired and painted the dazzling red colour I always wanted. 

Anyways, I climbed into my car and immediatly started up the heaters. I was freezing and the stupid cold I swear I came down with wasn't helping. It was raining, and kind of snowing at the same time. You know, that nasty wet snow. It was coming down pretty hard, so I had to sit in my car and pretty much let it defrost as I had the windshield wiper on full.

I finally placed my hands on the steering wheel after I turned the radio on and loud enough for me to hear. I put the car into reverse and easily pulled out of the small driveway of my house. I was apparently a natural when it came to driving; or at least according to my dad I was. He had taught me everything I needed to know, and I apparently just took the wheel and sped off.. 

I had trouble seeing the road ahead of me through all of the wet snow. It would land on my windshield and I would have to wait for the wiper to wipe it away. I had bad enough eyes as is it. I need glasses for distance, and without them on while driving, I pretty much cant read anything. Of course the closer I get to the sign, the better I can make it out: but by the time I get up to the signs I've already passed where I needed to go. My mom told me I should be wearing my glasses in the car, but I didn't think I needed them, so I didn't wear them. 

The drive to school has never been long, but today just seemed so weird. It seemed to take long to get on the wet roads, and there was lots of traffic too. As I waited patiently in my car, I listen to the radio and what was playing. It was a song I hadnt heard of, but was kind of catchy. 

The song then ended and a guy came on announcing something about our area. I turned it up, listening to the guy speaking quickly. 

"The storm has really gotten bad in some areas," the guy on the radio laughed. "Most places have closed down."

"There's no storm," I mumbled to myself as I pulled into the school parking lot. It seemed fairly empty, so I decided that I was either early, or super late. Either way I parked my car and lazily, but quickly made my way over to the entrance of the school.

It was freezing outside! The wind was whipping around me, and I swear it could knock me over any second now because it was so strong. The wet snow was landing on my shoulder and in my hair, leaving little white fluffs all around me. I would have paused to take in the beautiful pieces of snow falling from the sky but I was freezing my butt off out here because I was stupid and didn't bring my jacket. 

I was only in my fairly baggy, not very warm, navy blue sweater. I didn't really think about wearing a jacket overtop of my sweater, which I totally regret now because its probably minus twenty out right now. Enough to turn me into a popcilce and freeze me to death. 

Of course I just hurried from my car into the school, only having my navy blue sweater to keep me warm. I didn't think I would need it anyways, because it is usually fairly warm in the school, especially on freezing days like today. I think they only turned the heat up because so many students parents had phoned in, complaining about the cold because apparently some of their kids wore winter coats during the classes. I never really noticed before, but I guess either way I wouldnt go complaining to my mom. 

Anyways, since I was only going to jump out of the car and run to the front doors before and after school, I didn't really think I needed the extra jacket. I hurried to the front doors, the once we were forced to go in through even when you parked in the side parking lot. I know, that's probably the stupidest thing we have to do since we have a side door! 

I walked around to the four front doors all lined up and just waiting for kids to burst through them. I pulled my hand out of my sleeve as I reached for the handle on the first door. I wanted to pull away as soon as my hand touched the cold metal, but I didn't. The door, however, didn't budge. I pulled on it again, but it still wouldn't open. 

Why would the school be locked? It was just like everyother day, so why the heck would they lock us out? I immediatly started to panick, and then when I realized I was being stupid and that I didnt even check the other doors. I would have slapped myself, but my hands were freezing even though they were just inside my sweater sleeve. 

I tried the second door, and it too didn't open. I also yanked on the third and fourth but they didn't open either. I stood there, kind of shocked since I couldn't get into the school. Well I wasn't turning around now. I mean, I came all this way and even if I did go back home now my mom wold have my head on a post, and probably cook the rest of me for dinner. Instead of doing anything, I just stood there in the freezing col staring at the closed doors in front of me. 

I was about to go check the doors around the back when I noticed something just inside the doors. There was a person sitting on the floor, their bag rested beside them while they had their black coat on the other side. They were sitting on the floor, legs stretched out as they gazed down at the phone they held in their hand. 

I felt frozen where I was. I pretty much stared down at the person sitting there. As if they could feel my eyes on them, their head snapped up and I immediately recognized who it was.

Tristian Pederson. 

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heey everyone!

I just wanted to say thanks for reading so far and sorry its taking a while to get into it! Trust me, it will get more exciting soon :) 

and im also sorry its taking awhile to upload the chapters! I honstly had written this whole chapter, and then when I went back in to post it...everything was gone! TECHNOLOGY HATES ME :')

anyways, thanks for reading so far and I hope you enjoy it so far :)

-Kara <3

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