Every Second Counts (6)

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Chapter 6

I sat there, surrounded by the awkward silence. Tristian and I had pretty much just freaked out at one another about how stupid I acted. I mean, I don't really know what happened, but we just kind of exploded. Now, as I stayed on the couch, sitting in the awkward silence, I realized that i just wanted to get away from here. 

As I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the couch my head suddenly began pounding. It felt as if my eyes were suddenly covered with a blurry cover because even though they were still open, I couldn't see properly out of them. I suddenly felt faint and extended my arm, reaching out for something to hold me up. 

 It kind of felt like I was underwater. A huge pressure surrounding me and I just couldnt get up as I began sinking deeper. I closed me eyes becase they were so blurry and I couldnt even see anything, even the things right in front of me as I felt myself swaying slightly. I suddenly felt something enclose around my wrist and yank me up, just like I was being pulled out of the water. 

I was suddenly jolted up and my eyes flew open. I blinked, my eyes wide open as I stared at the tan face of Tristian's directly in front of me. He had a brief moment where I thought I say a flash of concern spread across his face before it soon disappeared and turned back into his serious look from before. I just stared at him in disbelief. 

Tristian then took my by surprise and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist as I was pulled up against his warm chest. I blinked, not realizing that I am being held in Tristian's warm arms right now. Neither of us said anything, I just sat there, leaning my head against his chest as he let his chin rest against the top of my head. 

"Oh my god," I suddenly whispered, pushing away from Tristian who sat there, clearly as shocked as I was. He didn't say anything though, instead just rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. 

"Have I already missed first period?" I asked, jumping up off the couch. That probably wasn't the smartest idea because my head immediately started to pound again and I had to sit down right away. 

My frist period class was science, and I couldn't miss it. I suck in sience, and dont have the greatest mark right now, so even by missing just one class I could already be behind. I'll probably end up failing this course and have to take it over again next year! Great. Just great. 

I looked over at Tristian, waiting for the answer to my question. Instead, he just kind of looked back at me, a confused look on his face. He narrowed his thin, perfect eyebrows at me and I raised mine in response. 

"What?" I snapped as I leaned back, sinking into the couch as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"School was cancelled for today," Tristian said slowly. 

My mouth hung open, and my eyes bulged out of my head. I probably already looked like a mess because I had become a popsicle in the freezing cold, pretty well fell unconscious several times, and then was probably dragged inside the building by Triistian when I was in one of my unconscious states. This, however, just added to my attractiveness. 

"Are you serious?" I asked, my face still showing my disbelief. Before Tristian could say anything I added, "if school is cancelled why are you here?"

Tristian was about to respond to my question, opening his mouth before quickly clamping it shut not long after. He ran his long fingers through his dark hair before looking down at the ground. I could tell he was annoyed by me but I didn't't really care. I waited for Tristian's response, but I never got one because he probably didn't't know what to say; so he just glared at me. 

There was another silence between the two of us. I didn't really know what to do, or say for that matter. I guess Tristian, the king of jerks was just as speechless as I was. 

"Just go home," Tristian said suddenly and I looked up from my thumbs that were fiddling in my lap. Tristian didn't't look over at me as I pushed myself up and off the couch I had been sitting on for the past little bit. 

"Fine," I huffed, "Maybe I will."

I didn't't even need to grab anything, so I just headed straight for the door out of here. The teachers lounge wasn't even that big, so I crossed the room quickly and was out of there in no time. I could only hear the scrapping of the chair as I stormed out of the room, practically slamming the door behind me. 

Of course I knew I wouldn't be able to get rid of Tristian that easily. I could pretty much hear him walking behind me, shuffling his feet and making a soft noise against the tiled floor of the school. I groaned slightly, just wanted to get as far away from him as I could. 

Tristian and I soon fell in step with one another. We were walking the exact same pace, and speed now so I was forced to have the idiot walking beside me. I could feel his arm brush against my own several times and I just wanted to shove him away each time it happened. I could feel the tingles whenever his warm skin touched mine and it made me shiver all over.

 We finally reached the end of the hallway, the silence soon becoming too much for me to handle. I was glad I could finally get out of this stupid school, and away from this idiot. I grinned as we approached the front doors and I pretty much skipped towards the doors. I could pretty much hear the whirling winds outside, and I could see that everything was now covered in many layers of thick, pale snow. 

I skipped towards the door, a huge, stupid smile on my face as I was finally free. I practically charged towards the first door, placing my hands in front of me as I shoved on the door, but instead slammed my face into teh glass. 

"Ow!" I exclaimed as I stumbled back a few steps, both my hands flying up to cover my nose. 

I heard Tristian snicker behind me and I spun around to glare at him with my hands still covering my nose. He was just lucky I wasn't bleeding. 

I eventually got over what felt like a broken nose and decided that getting out of here was more important. So, by taking a step forward I now stood in front of the school doors. I placed both my hands on the door and gave it a shove. Nothing. I tried again but the doors still didn't open. 

Without saying anything to one another, Tristian tried opening the other doors but had no luck. How is this even possible? I angrily shoved the door before glaring at it and taking a step back. 

That's when I really started to panic. I was trapped inside my school: with Tristian Pederson. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


soo unfortunately I'm sick...and I sound like a dying cow...but I have been working hard on my stories so there is a good thing in all of this! Anyways, its not the best chapter but  I hope you still liked it :)

 thanks for reading!

love always


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