Every Second Counts (12)

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Chapter 12

I blinked several times as I slowly felt my body coming back to life. I didn't feel like myself, and I felt out of place. I continued to blink until the haze that covered my eyes was finally gone and I noticed I was still stuck in the school. 

As I tried to untangle myself from the warmth of the blanket I realized that I wasn't laying here alone. Tristan had stayed lying beside me the whole night. He had one of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I blushed at how close we were right now.

Our bodies were pressed up against one another, my legs tangled with his one arm rested against my side, holding us extremely close. My face was mere inches from mine and I could see almost every little detail on his face. I could see the few freckles he had scattered across his nose and cheeks, and that his eyelashes were very long and dark, casting a slight shadow on his cheeks as he kept his eyes closed. I also noticed how perfect he looked. 

Tristan's dark hair was messy and some pieces dangled down in front of his forehead. I wanted to reach up and fix it for him, but I knew I couldn't. 

I was afraid to move because I didn't want to wake him up, but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep again. So instead I just lay there as stiff as a log. 

Instead I ended up just staring at Tristan's perfect face. I didn't really have anywhere else to look, and I didn't want to wake him up, so I just stayed still and stared at his face in front of mine. 

I could feel his warm breath gently breeze over my nose as I couldn't take my eyes off his sleeping face. I blushed as his breath tickled my nose and cheeks but I didn't move away. 

I couldn't help it when my hand reached up to push away a strand of Tristan's dark hair away from his closed eyes. I swept it to the side, smiling slightly as I looked at his peaceful, sleeping face. I made sure all of his dark hair was off his forehead as I smiled slightly, looking like a fool and placed my hand back between us.

I froze immediately after I looked back down at Tristan and noticed his eyes were open and he was looking down at me, The corners of his mouth pulled up into an adorable looking smile, and I couldn't help the blush that began to rise on my cheeks. 

"It's cute when you blush like that," Tristan smiled as I looked back up at him., my cheeks turning a darker red in the process. 

I still didn't move, unsure of what Tristan thought of me and my creepiness right now. I had been caught moving his hair off his forehead. Nothing could get more embarrassing than that. 

"Morning sunshine," Tristan yawned as he managed to pull us apart and sit up. He stretched, and I couldn't help but gawk at his huge muscles. Of course he wasn't a huge buff guy, but man did he have some muscle on him. His body was thin and toned, but he sure was strong. 

"You know you could always take a picture?" Tristan asked as he stood up effortlessly. I gawked at him for a minute since I had been caught staring yet again. 

"Why would I take a picture of you?" I laughed. 

"Admit it, you want this," Tristan said as he tried to look sexy by running his fingers through his hair a few times and trying to strike some model pose. 

"Your hair is messy," Your hair is sexy. "Your look weird trying to bit your lip like that," You look adorably sexy. "and you just look like an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing."  You don't know what you're doing to me right now. 

"Shut up," I told myself and then blushed once I realized I had said that out loud. 

"Now why would you want me to shut up?" Tristan laughed. "I'm the only one here you can talk to."

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