Every Second Counts (9)

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Chapter 9

"Tristian!" I screeched at the top of my longs as I ran right into the center of the room. 

The smoke was thick and just seemed to hang in the air. I coughed once, even though I was still breathing fine and the smoke just tickled my throat. I could almost taste the fire and smoke in the back of my throat as I breathed in through my dry mouth. I could feel my eyes sting as I stared at Tristian in front of me before I pretty much attacked the kid. 

Tristian was sitting on the floor in the middle room, a small fire in front of him. He was holding a book, riping pages out of it and tossing them into the fire. I coudl feel my mouth drop open and my eyes widen as I watched Tristian tear another page out of the book and throw it into his litle fire he started. 

He suddenly noticed I was standing there, still looking shocked but he just grinned up at me. His eyes wrinkled at the side as his mouth pulled up in a cute, boyish grin. He had that innocent look on his face , as if he was a young boy who did something wrong and knew that he did as he looked up at his mom with an innocent look in his bright eyes.

He waved to me, the book still in his hand, and pages falling out. When i noticed the dark cover of the book I recognized it immediately and gasped. I couldn't see what the gold letters on the spine said, but I already knew.

"Tristian!" I yelled. 

I practically shoved Tristian to the ground, smacking the book out of his hand. I somehow managed to go down with him though, and I let out a screech as we landed in a tangle on the ground. 

When I opened my eyes again I realized that Tristian was underneath me, both of us squished together. He had his arms securely around my waist and I could pretty much feel them burning through the back of my sweater. His one hand was positioned on the small of my back, where my sweater had rode up ever so slightly. His touch was warm and sent tingles through me, starting from where is hand was rested and spreading throughout the rest of my body. 

I was leaning on my forearms as they pressed hard into the tile ground on either side of Tristian's shocked face, His eyes were shaded over, and I couldn't tell what he was really thinking. They were still the normal bright green eyes though. He looked so innocent, and almost nervous, as I stared down into his eyes and took in his facial features.

His eyelashes were so long and dark that I was almost jealous of them in a way. I mean, what girl wouldn't want long eyelashes? His weren't girlie at all though. They actually made his eyes stand out so much because they were so dark, and his eyes were so bright. 

I noticed that he had several freckles across his nose, but no where else on his face. He wasn't too tan, but he wasn't pale either. He was just in between I guess. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down to his lips. 

His lips were parted slightly, just enough to breathe. They looked so soft and plump as I stared down at them. They werent even chapped, they were just his perfect, soft looking lips. 

Our breath was mixed with one another as our bodies were tangled together. I blushed as the position we were in when it suddenly dawned on me. I'm pretty sure my face burned bright red and I looked away from Tristian's face, not able to look at him any longer.  

 "Are you ever going to get off of me?" Tristian suddenly spoke up and I lifted my eyes to look at him. I moved away from him, both of us now just sitting on the floor beside one another. 

 "You're kinda heavy,' he joked and I blushed crimson red. Even though he was just joking that still kind of stung coming from him. When I was younger I had this eating problem that only lasted for about a year. 

I believe I was around twelve years old, and I had trouble eating. Maybe its because I hated half the meals my mom made, but whatever it was I usually only ate one meal a day. Of course, my mom didn't even notice and I would usually just take a few bites and then excuse myself from the table. 

One day I brought my lunch to school, a delicious egg sand which or something that my mom had made for me. I sat outside on the park bench that day with my bag sitting beside me, just staring off ahead of me. That's the day that small, innocent Tristian had found out about me not eating.

I can still remember him approaching me with a pudding cup in his hand and asking me why I wasn't eating. Of course being the twelve year old kids we were, and best friends with Tristian I had trusted him enough with my secret. 

What did he do after I told him?

He went home and told my mom as soon as he saw her.

I was so mad at Tristian because I had told him several times not to tell anyone, and especially not my mom. Yet he went and told her anyways. So, I got in some trouble and was forced to eat everything put on my plate. I didn't talk to Tristian for several days, but I eventually got over it and we became friends again. 

"Adriana?" I heard Tristian's masculine voice snap me out of my thoughts and I looked over at him. I could feel the tears brimming the edges of my eyes as I quickly looked away from Tristian and stood up. 

"What?" I snapped and then noticed the book lying on the ground beside him. "Why were you trying to burn this book!?"

"I got cold so I thought I should start a fire," he shrugged simply as he still sat on the ground. 

"Why are you burning these books!?" I exclaimed as I bent down and picked up the school book that I loved so much.

"Since when did you like reading Romeo and Juliet?"

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