Every Second Counts (14)

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Every Second Counts (14)

My eyes were all sore and itchy when I had woken up the next day. I probably looked like a huge mess with my red brimmed eyes, mixed up clothes and messy hair. 

Tristan and I had fought over the couch last night, both of us trying to give it away. Since each of us kept trying to give it away to the other Tristan had the brilliant idea to share it. So in the end we had ended up sleeping on it together. 

It was definitely not as comfy as my own bed, but I was still comfortable having Tristan's strong arms wrapped around me so I wouldn't fall off the edge and his soft breath blowing across my face. I don't know when I had fallen asleep, but I did know that I hadn't woken up during the night. 

Sometimes I would have dreams of my dad. They all ended the same though: my dad disappeared and I was always left alone. I would sometimes wake up screaming and crying, reaching out for my dad to comfort me like he used to when I was little. 

I looked up at Tristan. His face was just mere inches away from mine, and he looked so relaxed as he continued to sleep. I silently brushed pieces of dark hair from across his forehead.

He looked so calm when he was asleep.

I probably seemed so creepy just staring at him as he slept. That's what creepy people do, right? Why was I even looking at him? 

"Because you like him you idiot," I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes and let my head rest against my arm. Tristan's arms suddenly tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to his warm body. I snapped open my eyes and looked up to see two bright green eyes smiling back down at me. 

"Who do you like?" Tristan smirked. 

"No one!" I exclaimed .I like you. I struggled to move away from Tristan's smirking face, while trying to hide my blush as well. 

Being the terribly balanced kid that I am I managed to fall off the side of the couch. I let out a short scream as I seemed to roll of the side and land with a thud on the ground. 

I stared up at the laughing Tristan as he stretched his hand out and offered to help me up. As I reached out to take his hand I paused as I noticed something behind him.

I could see the dark grey sky outside of the window behind him. Yesterday all you could see was a white sheet of snow covering the now half cleared window. That meant some of the snow had melted overnight!

I yanked myself up off the ground and sprinted over to the window. I was lucky I was able to stop in time before plowing right into the hard glass.

"Tristan look!" I exclaimed as he joined me and slouched against the window beside me. He had such a carefree easy posture as I jumped up and down like a little kid on opening presents on Christmas morning. 

"What am I looking at?" Tristan laughed. 

"The sky!" I exclaimed, pointing out at the dark clouds. 

"So?" He dragged on, clearly not getting my point. 

I reached over and gripped onto his shoulders, pulling him so that he was standing right in front of me. I ignored his shocked face and pretty much smashed my forehead to his as I cheered. "We're finally free!" 

His shocked expression soon changed to an excited one as he grabbed me by my waist and picked me up. I loud out a scream as he began walking out of the staff room and into the abandoned hallway. 

"Put me down!" I laughed as I formed fists with my hands and began hitting Tristan's back with them. Since I was dangling over his shoulder I couldn't see anything expect for his butt right in my face. A nice butt that is. 

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