Every Second Counts (4)

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Chapter 4 

Tristian Pederson.

Even while standing out in the freezing cold with only a sweater on I am still able to shudder at just the thought of this boy. 

He just looked at me, with the same shock written clearly all over his face. He then grinned evilly at me as he stood up. He now stood, his whole six foot one inch figure, on the other side of the door from me as he smirked down at me. Of course I wasn't that much shorter, only being around five foot seven inches, but when I stood close to Tristian like this I cant help but feel small. 

Tristan was tall, thin, muscular and extremly handsome according to all the girls at our school. He also had the most gorgeous green eyes that stood out and shone brightly. They were surrounded with dark, thick eyelashes which gave him an adorable boyish look. He had dark, almost black hair that was always messy looking in a cute, perfect way. He had a slight tan but looked more pale to me, but of course that made his dark hair stand out more and his green eyes shine brighter. 

Of course that's what all the girls tell me. 

If there is one thing I hate on this planet; its Tristian Pederson. 

He is the stupidest, insensitive, biggest jerk in this whole school. He thinks he's "all that" and that he can have any girl he wants in a matter of seconds. Every one at the school looks up to him even though he doesn't notice half the time. He takes the fame as it comes and doesn't give a crap about anything going on. All the girls want to be with him, and all the guys want to be like him. Every ones loves Tristian Pederson: except for me. 

Tristian and I have never been, and will never be, friends. 

This hate has carried on all through my life. Believe it or not, Tristian and I used to be best friends when we were younger. He was my next door neighbour and our parents were the best of friends. They would always gather in the backyard, chatting as my dad cooked hamburgers on the barbecue, except he would sneak two hot dogs on for Tristian and I to eat when my mom wasn't looking. 

Tristian and I used to do everything together. I mean, we were next door neighbours and best friends, so who wouldn't want to spend every day of their life with their best friend? We did everything together, from getting ice cream at the park, learning how to roller skate-which I still suck at-, building a fort that I still have in my backyard to date, going for walks, playing with mud, and doing crazy things that best friends love to do. 

We were the best friends. They childhood buddies. Those kids who were going to grow up together. We were going to get along just fine even though we teased, fought, cried, laughed, and did everything. Tristian and I were indded best friends. 

He was always there for me, and I was always there for him when we were younger. We were inseperable and that was the way we liked things to be. 

That was, until one day. 

I still remember everything perfectly. 

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a bang on the glass doors of the school in front of me. I blushed a light shade of red, realizing that I had zoned out as I stood there in the freezing cold. I could feel the strong, cold wind rush around me, nipping at my skin and making me shiver even more. 

I reached for the door, mouthing for Tristian to open it for me. He just pressed his hand to his ear, signalling that he couldn't hear what I was saying. I just glared at him, repeating what I said out loud. 

I pulled on the door again, motioning for Tristian to actually be polite for once and open the stupid door. Instead he just stood there, smirking down at me. He had that evil twinkle in his bright green eyes when I looked up at him. 

"Open the door you idiot," I told him through the glass on the door. He just did the same thing, pretending not to hear me. I angrily pulled on the door handle again, except it still didnt budge. Was he trying to frustrate me? 

"Go home, Adriana," I could hear the deep voice of Tristian's muffle through the door. 

I stood there, frozen for a second, and not just because of the strong, freezing cold winds. Tristian had just said my name. As simple, and easily as that. He let it just roll off his tongue and simply dismissed it. He hasn't called me Adriana in years. 

I snapped my head up when I noticed Tristian step away from the door and bend over to grab his stuff. He easily picked up his bag, swinging it around his one shoulder as he draped his coat over his arm.  What was he doing? Wasn't he going to let me into the school? What the heck was his problem!? Why couldn't he just simply open the door for me to go inside? 

I knocked on the door, my knuckles hurting as I hit it hard the first few times. I watched as Tristian turned back to face me, smirked, and then stalked off down the hallway. His figure soon disappeared and I stood there shocked. 

That's when panic mode really began to set in. I gripped onto the door handle, yanking it back and forward in an attempt to get inside the school. I pretty much let all of my anger out on that door, and figured if i couldn't get in the normal way, i was going to kick it down in my moment of furry. 

When I finally regained my sanity, I realized that there was no way I was getting into this school unless that jerk came back and opened the door for me-which wasn't going to happen. I pulled my sweater closer to my body, keeping my hands in my sleeves and making sure I kept my arms wrapped around myself. I sighed as I flopped down on the ground right beside the door. I brought my knees up to my chest, keeping them close and wrapped my arms around them. I leaned my head down on my knees and I watched the soft, still wet snowflakes fall down from the sky. 

I was getting into that school even if I had to sit here all day: which is exactly what I did. 

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