Part 2. Walking Home

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               The winter came and that morning the snow covered the roofs of the houses and the streets. I had to wrapped myself with a wool scarf and put my black coat on to survive the cold outside. I took my messenger bag and put it across my chest; changing to the winter uniform was a pain in the neck but was the only way the students won't freeze.

               With a last glance back I walked outside the house. My parents were already gone to work and leaving alone made me feel weird. When I was in middle school my mother walked me to school and then headed work. But those days were gone and now I had to take care of myself.

                 At school everyone was walking fast towards the inside of the building, everyone but one student.

                 He was wearing a yellow coat on top of his uniform. He was walking slowly, just as if he wasn't in the mood to get inside. His dark hair was wet and his hands inside his pockets, his way of walking was nonchalantly and careless. I stopped and stared, a yellow spot in the middle of gray and white coats, either he wanted the attention or just didn't care about what others think of him.

                 I freezed when a pair of brow chocolate eyes were staring back. I blinked a couple of times and start walking again. Luckily he didn't say anything to me or followed me. I felt my cheeks blushing as I entered the building.

               When the day was done I put back my books in my messenger bag and walked out of the classroom and took my coat and scarf from my locker. I glanced out of the window and saw the small white snowflakes falling down on the street. I better get back fast, dinner was only a few hours away and I didn't want mom to cook.

                 Once I was out of school I turned left and headed home. The sky was cloudy and gray, and the wind crashed against my face giving me a feeling of freedom. I turned right and stopped.

                  He was there. The student with the yellow coat. The same student that wanted to helped me a few weeks ago when we met in the hallway at school. I just couldn't believe my luck.

                 "You like my coat?" he said out of the blue.

                  "I..." I started but couldn't think of anything to answer back. I just wanted to go back home.

                   He smiled and came closer. I took a step back but he kept walking towards me.


                   "Let's walk together."

                   "Why?" I asked confused.

                   He smiled again and started walking. He glanced back when he noticed I wasn't following. Without further thinking I followed him.

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