Part 10. Midnight

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"How is it possible that he is always talking to you?"

A group of last-years were arguing with me, we were in the girls bathroom and I was getting enough of their comments. Why were they so upset? It wasn't like I was the only person that talked to him during class. It didn't made sence.

This was just way too much and I wasn't going to take anymore of it.

"He is my friend, ok? If he wants to talk to me he surely can and I won't push him away." I tried to stand my ground even though I wasn't in the mood to fight for that.

"Yeah right," the taller girl said. She was the class president and I've seen her trying to catch his attention but with no positive result. This was getting boring.

"Look, I have to go back to class," I tried to put an end to this nonsence as quick as possible but they had different plans.

"Just stay away from him, ok?" the taller girl talked again and passed beside me pushing me aside as she did. I rolled my eyes and stoped myself on doing something stupid and reckless. This wasn't worth it.

The rest of the day passed by as usual and boring. I couldn't help myself and think about my little cample with those girls. Why did they had to come now and tell me those things? The year was almost over and there was no logic at all in all this. I tossed the situation to the back of my head and payed atention to my History teacher and tryed to catch up with the topic. Spacing out in this class was the worst thing that I could do.

When the bell rang I stood and walked to the school's entrance. I had to avoid most of the girls that were glaring at me and pretend nothing was happening even though I wanted to yell at them to back off but I knew that wouldn't change anything. So I kept walking until I crossed the gate and headed home.

"Going somewhere?" A voice called me from behind.

It was him.

"Yes, I'm going home." With nothing more to say I started walking again.

"I'll go with you," he said and stood beside me, "I went to your class but you were already gone."

"Yes, sorry. I have to go back home quicky my dad's not home and he asked me to go back as soon as possible." I mumbled while I looked away.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes of course," I lied.

"Hey," he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?" I said exasperated.

He looked at me and I saw hurt in his eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes that were always fill with laughter but my words erase any sign of that feeling.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone."

I felt bad for yelling at him and I felt even worse for letting those girl's coments get to me.

My house was empty and I had enough time to do my homeworks. By 8pm I had nothing else to do but I wasn't feeling good at all. I kept repeating in my head what those girls said and the way I pushed him away even though I said I never would. I closed my eyes and slammed my fist against the hard wood of my desk, stood up and went donwstairs.

In less than twenty minutes I was walking down the sideway next his house, his room's light was on and I could saw him working on his desk. I sighed and found all the strengh inside my body and went for the ringbell. What was I doing there? No idea. But I felt I should apologise.

"Hey," he said, a big smile on his face like he knew I was coming, like he was expecting me to come.

"Um, hey." My voice was almost a whisper and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Sorry to disturb you but I needed to talk to you."

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