Part 4. Under the tree.

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                 It was cold, really cold, but I couldn't care less; after several cloudy days I was determinated to enjoy the few sun rays that the cold months were permiting and the fact that everyone was inside the building gave me the chance to spend some time by myself. Not that I was a loner, but preferred every moment I had to seat under my favorite tree in school. It was winter though and it didn't looked as beautiful as it normal did during spring time but something about that lifeless view made me feel at ease. The dark branches waiting for better days where the sun was strong and warm, where everything would be fine.

                 I snapped out of my thoughts and opened my eyes with exaltation when something heavy had landed next to me; a yellow bag. I glanced up and recognized the face of the boy standing in front of me.

                  The best race I've ever had. I thought and waited for him to say something; it had become some kind of routine: I walked towards the school grounds and sat under the same tree by myself until he started to appear. And everytime I felt the same way: anxious and inexplicably eased. He certainly has a weird way of acting. His eyes were expressionless while he stood there staring at me. I sighed and moved his bag closer to him and as far as I could from my body; if he was going to sit he might did that a few meters from me.

                  "Have you eaten?" he finally said sitting next to me, leaning forwards to reach his bag. I rolled my eyes and made sure he saw the gesture.

                    "Don't you have elsewhere to go?" I asked frustrated, "this is my spot."

                     "I don't see your name anywhere," he replied with a grin, I shot him a dead glare that caused his smile grow wider. "I thought you enjoyed my company."

                   "I come here to be alone, no to chit-chat with you," I didn't know why I was being so rude to a person that started talking to me after our stranges encounters, but that day I was a bit off.

                   "We don't have to talk," he said shrugging, "we can remain in silence."

                    I didn't answered back and focus my attention on a bunch of stones that decorated the floor. He said we didn't had to talk yet he had been the one starting every conversation since he started coming to this place.

                 Thankfully the bell rang and it was time to get back to class; a sence of relief filled me as I stood up and cleaned the skirt of my uniform. He was by my side in no time. I took my belongings and start walking fast towards the building, even though I wasn't looking forward to my History class I wanted to get away from him. Glancing back one last time I saw him standing there with one hand in midair, waving at me with a smile. I felt my cheeks blushing and speed up my pace.

                He really is something.

* * *

                 They are fighting again. I refused the urge of crying; the sounds of the fight came clear from downstairs. I snorted and sat on my chair, opened my textbook and tried to do my homework. In that moment I only wished I could be under that tree, the one that I could relate to. The one that gave me the chance to spent some time with him.

                 What? That can't be. He is always disturbing the few moments of tranquility that I have. But still, I was thinking of him instead of doing my homework. Maybe some tea would help me concentrate. I stood up and went to the kitchen, I had a lot of things to do before going to bed.

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