Part 8. The Piano

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So there I was, sitting on the big white sofa while waiting for him to came back from the kitchen. What was I thinking? I toyed with the hem of my skirt as I grew nervous. The living room was completely white and perfectly decorated; nothing like my own house that was small and with no decorations at all. I stood and took a peak of all the portraits that were resting on the shelves of the room -all of them made of some kind of smooth wood-, and found a family photo where three people smiled at me. A familiar yellow jumper appeared with those chocolate brown eyes that I was getting used to. Just behing him, at his right, his mother smiled with kindness while on the other side, his father, was just looking forward, no expression on his face whatsoever.

A soft melody came to my ears and I tilted my head to the side to find the source of the beautiful tune I was hearing. Maybe he put some music on and he was coming back. I should have just waited for him in the living as he said but my curiosity took the best of me.

I walked by the big wooden hallway were the boy had disappeared before and followed the melody as it gain strength. I put a hand on the wall and rest my body against it, closed my eyes and let my senses enjoy the moment. It felt so good, so calm, so beautiful, like my soul was being feeded with some divine food.

My eyes snapped as I felt something resting on my forehead, I cried in shock and stumbled to the floor. He was standing there with a big grin on his face. I ran a hand through my hair and fixed my uniform, he gave me his hand and this time I took it standing to my feet.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"You scared me," I replied glaring at him.

"Sorry?" he started walking down the hallway to the living room. I decided to follow him since I didn't want to stay there by myself.

When I reached the room he was sitting on the same sofa I was before, his head resting on the soft material of a pillow and his eyes closed. Was he going to sleep or something? I went next to him and sat next to him, just at the edge of the sofa. I concidered waking him but the smile on his face stopped me.

What am I thinking?

What am I doing?

I got closer and noticed the freckles he had just under his chin; surely an odd place to have freckles, but I was starting to think that this boy wasn't who I thought was. The most popular guy in school that loved to wear yellow things and was always sitting by my side under my favourite tree and asking random questions.

What's your favourite colour?

What do you like to do on a sunny day?

Do you want a rematch?

Yeah, he had won our little running competition and I didn't wanted to taste that again. But even though I was glad I had someone to do those kind of things. A smile appeared and I felt my cheeks turning red.

Why do you blush so much?

I didn't even know I could blush until I started sharing time with him.

Do you know you are beautiful?

I was shoked when he had said that. It was this morning when I got out of my house and reached him, we were going to school like we usualy did and then again I blushed and felt this weird feeling on my stomach: anxiety and something else I wasn't able to recognize. He said I was beautiful, but I knew he was lying, or maybe he was just making fun of me.

"You should stop staring or my face will melt or something," he said and I snapped out of my reverie.

I pushed my body as far as I could from him and watched him as he laugh loudly. I forgot I was closely watching at him and felt like an idiot. This wasn't me, why was I acting this way?

"Can I asked you a question?" I said sitting on the edge of the sofa.

"I think you already did," he mocked me as I glared at him, "ok, ask away."

I frowned and wet my lips before talking again.

"Were you playing the piano just a moment ago?" I asked forwardly.


"You play the piano?"

"I think that's a bit obvious."

My mouth opened with a little 'oh' and felt stupid. Of course he knew how to play the piano is he was, I don't know, playing the piano. I ducked my head and try to hide my embarrassment but he started laughing anyways.

"Do you want me to play something for you?" he asked suddenly.

"You will?" I felt my heart doing a triple pirouette inside my chest.

"Yes," his eyes were glued to mine and something melt inside of me.

He was going to play for me.

He stood and I followed, we passed the wooden hallway and reached another white roon that contained a grand piano, a white one of course. I stood there astonished. It was beautiful.

He sat on the bench and made a gesture for me to sit next to him, I did as he wanted and waitied for him to play. He glanced at me a broad smile on his face and then he just started playing the same melody hed had played before.

And it was beautiful.

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