Part 12. I do

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When the last day of my high school days was over I couldn't help but feeling empty. A lot had passed during these past years that now that they were over I couldn't imagine what life would bring. I experienced heartbreak and love the same year followed by the hardest decision I had to take. Even though I haven't seen him since he left for college and my heart was still in tiny pieces, I knew that that was for the best; he needed someone else in his life and I wasn't that girl. But in my heart I knew that I would never forget every single thing he made me feel...




I was someone for him and I will be forever grateful for that. A person so opposite to me but at the same time what I needed. He was bright and determined like a beautiful spring day; me, on the other hand, gloomy and hopeless like the winter.

Tossing those thoughts to the side I finished packing my stuff and closed the yellow suitcase that was spread on top of my bed. My walls and bookshelves were empty as well and packed in two different boxes. Moving far away was not only the beginning for me but something I needed to finish my teenage life. The few friends I had were leaving as well but to different places, we promised to keep in touch but something told me that that would be a hard thing to maintain.

The doorbell rang and I sighed, maybe it was some of the neighbors that wanted to say goodbye to my dad and I. Walking downstairs and towards the door I noticed that the person had left already, even though I opened the door and found a little yellow envelope on the entrance carpet. I knelt and picked it up. It was strange, it didn't had a name tag or sing from the sender. Opening the upper part a single note and a ticket came out. It read, in perfect handwriting:

It's being a long time, but I hope you could come.

Still on my mind,


The tiny piece of paper fell and my knees became week, the ticked was marked for that night and I didn't felt strong enough to face him again. When was he back? Why did he had to write? Why didn't he said all these to my face? Even though I didn't had the answers to most of the questions I knew why he didn't talked to me in person.

And it was my fault.

All the emotions came to the surface and I felt stupid. I pushed him away and pretended I didn't needed him when I was only holding on because of him. Tears begun to fell and I rushed them away. I didn't had time to fell back to those feelings, I had too much to do.


The clock kept ticking and made me nervous. The envelope laid on top of my empty desk and I couldn't help but staring at it from time to time; it was almost time and it took all of my self control not to grab it and ran off.

My head was full of thoughts and emotions, it hurt so much. I wanted to see him so bad and I didn't even knew why was I giving it too much thought. Slamming the suitcase shut I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs; I was taking the bus in no time.

The even had started when I reached the venue and the hostess shared an impolite smirk when I gave her my ticked. She mumbled something about being on time and whatnot but I didn't pay attention to her. Walking as fast as I could through the hall, pieces of music came to me. It definitely was a complex orchestra with all the instruments; the violins mixed with the celos and the wind instruments as well. The sound intensified when I passed the think curtain that separated the two places. Apologizing I made my way until I reached the row of my sea, just right in front. I quickly passed and sat trying to ignore the glaring of the ones next to me, I closed my eyes and ejoyed the soft piece.

When it came to an end the whole venue explode into a round of applause, the musiciand made a bow and sat in silence. Soon the lights went off and the upper part was on spot where a big white grand piano was placed. The stage lights made it seem beautiful, but the young  man that sat on the bench was even more beautiful. His brown hair was a little bit longer that it used to be but was still a mess; his fingers rested on top of the marble tiles waiting to begin. When he opened his eyes and locked them with mine, like he knew I was there, my heart skipped a beat and the continued beating in a frenetic way.

A sweet smile formed on his lips and thousands of emotions came back to me. After all this time pushing those feelings away and now they were reaching the surface. I let the melody came to me and filled each part of my body. It was one of Chopin's nocturnes.

The same one that he played for my way to many time when we spent time on his bedroom.

In that moment I felt happy...



The rest of the night passed by as a blur for me. I never thought he would've become a musician but I was happy he did, I knew that that was his real dream and not just go and work for a back or a buffet. He was  extremely talented and he deserved all the attention they were giving them in that moment as the  musicians were walking towards the lounge where some appetizers were placed in high circular tables for the public to eat. But he paid no attention to them and made his way to me, before I could think  about it, he was  embracing me and holding me tightly.

"Oh Haru, I've missed you so much," I mumbled as I tried my best to rest calmed.

"Even though you were the one that ran away," I felt his cold words getting to me. But he was  right.


"You don't need to say anything Yuki, even though I don't understand why you did it, it's  all in the past now. Tonight it's all that matters to me."

He put his hand on top of my head like he was  about to pet me but he just stood there in silence.

And then it hit me.

I was  leaving and he just got back.

Maybe we weren't destined for each other. We were as far as the spring is for the winter.

"Yuki, what is it?" He asked rushing away the tears that were now falling down.

"I'm leaving Haru. I'm going to study abroad and my dad's moving too. But now that I see you I don't want to leave you again."

"If you have to go I will follow you. I'm not letting you go again," his eyes sparkled as we locked gazes.

"You promise?" I asked, still holding on him.

"If you promise you won't run away again."

"I do."

He then cupped my face in his hands and pressed gently his lips against mine, sealling our promise.


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