♡ The Foster Moms - Part Three ♡

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Part Three - Olivia sat on the couch next to Nessie, watching a show by the name of, "Andy Mack

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Part Three -
Olivia sat on the couch next to Nessie, watching a show by the name of, "Andy Mack." It was pretty interesting, but Olivia found herself becoming bored with every passing episode. Olivia couldn't help but frown as the show continued. Disney channel was for children...so why was a show like this on it? It was a good show, just...different.

"I know that look. You're bored, aren't you?" Nessie asked, pausing the tv.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Just watching tv isn't my thing I guess." Olivia sheepishly admits, rubbing the back of her arm.

"No worries! Hey, wanna go to LA Push beach? The family is hunting and I'm sure they'll be okay with us taking a little trip down there." Nessie says turning the tv off and getting up to stretch.

"Sure!" Olivia agrees. Grabbing her phone, she puts it in her back pocket and leaves the house with Renesmee. Olivia has been with the Cullens for a week now, and she's grown really fond of the girl she calls a friend. The second night of being here, Olivia stayed up all night with the hybrid Cullen watching YouTube videos, and playing truth or dare.

Since Nessie didn't have a vehicle yet, they just walked toward the beach. They walked through the woods so no one would stop and mess with them. This was Olivia's first time walking through a set of woods, and it was amazing! She enjoyed watching as birds flew away from their nest, and seeing deers run off in the distance. It took them only half an hour to arrive at the beach. It was empty, no one in sight, not even a vehicle. The girls share a look and Nessie smirks.

"I'll race you to that purple trash can!" She says, pointing in the direction of the trash can. Olivia followed the direction Nessies finger was pointing in, and raised a brow at the girl. - "You're on!" Olivia challenges the Cullen girl, getting into position.

"On your mark,"

"Git set,"


Both girls took off toward the can. Sand flying back as their feet kicked it off the ground as they raced across the beach. They were side by side, running at full speed as they unknowingly pasted a group of shirtless boys. Olivia saw Nessie gaining in speed, and decided to use her full strength on this race. With one quick boost in speed, Olivia was a head of Nessie and heading straight for the can. Reneesme tried to catch up, but knew it was pointless seeing as Olivia already took the upper hand.

"Yes!!" Olivia cheered as she reached the trash can. Nessie arrived only seconds after Olivia.

"Good one!" Reneesme said, high five-ing her new friend. Olivia smiled in victory as she brought Nessie into a hug.

"Hey Renesmee! Who's your new friend?" A males voice asked from behind the girls. Turning, both Nessie and Olivia eyed the group of boys down. The same smell that radiated off that Jacob dude, was on them. They were wolves too.

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