💔🅱️👑The Other Boleyn Girl X Aro V. P.1👑🅱️💔

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May 19 1536

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May 19 1536

Church bells rang out about the town, alerting the people that the ceremony would soon begin. Many older women took to the floor on their knees, their hands together as prays could be heard falling from their lips. Men who knew the reasons behind such an event, casted their lots, each betting something of their own personal opinion. Young boys and girls raced each other to the center of town, wanting to see what the commotion was.

     "Richard! Slow down." A small girl called out to her brother, trying her best to catch up. They all stopped beside a crowd of much older folks, and a few priests. Pushing past a group of men, the girl made her way to the center, latching onto her older brother. She looked

     "Her blood is on her hands, not ours!" A priest shouted to the mumbling crowd as a woman was brought out. "We can rest easy now, and let God deliver his judgement down upon her."

The air grew thick, and the sky seemed to darken as everyone became silent. The crowd watched as their former Queen raised her head, and looked out at them. She wore a coat with such pretty colors, and jewels finer than the ones the women wore in the crowd. Little Annabeth was so amazed by her beauty, but some part of her felt sad. The woman did not look happy, and everyone seemed angry at her.

     "Brother," Annabeth pulled on her brother's hand, trying to get his attention.-"Shhh! It's starting." He told her, pulling her into his side to keep her quiet.

     "Good people, I have come here to die according to the law and thus yield myself to the will of the King." ~

May 29 1536

It was a cold stormy day when the news reached Volterra, Italy. A rider in the night was sent from the harbors bearing the letter. He had arrived seeking a private audience with the King and Queen. He stood awkwardly in the center of the throne room, his head low, and only spoke when spoken to. John Sawer was no fool when it came to the royal family of Volterra.

Many stories and rumors of horrific things centered around them, but people only looked at them as just that, rumors. He was also extremely versed in how they gained power. 

It was told that many years ago, the Great Marcus, King Aro's great great grandfather, slayed all the vampires and beasts that roamed this city, and plagued the people of Italy with fear. He set up his throne within these very walls, and was crowned ruler and protector of the Nation. A silly story meant only for children.

Never would John suspect them to be true, but he knew how it went in this world. Put fear in the hearts of the people, kill that fear, and be called a hero. The loud rumbling beneath his feet caught his attention. He turned and watched as two guards opened the double door, revealing three magnificent beings. Their faces were flawless, and they each walked with so much power, authority, and grace, it nearly caused John to lose his breath.

John bowed as they passed him, and let out a sigh of relief. He could feel much of the tense feeling in his shoulders lift off of him. Each man sat down, glancing at one another as if having a secret conversation amongst themselves.

Aro smiled. "John, my dear friend. What brings you here to our home?" John subconsciously gripped the scroll within his hand, his brows knitted together, and his heart rate picked up.

Taking a step forward, John cleared his throat. "Your majesty, I had hoped that our Queen would have joined us before I told of the troubling news I have received." He cautiously spoke, bowing a bit to not seem rude.

Aro frowned, and with a tilt of his head he said," She is busy at the moment. Does this business concern her?"

     "Indeed it does, your Majesty."

Leaning back, Aro clapped his hands and grinned. "Well then, let us get her." Aro nodded at his two elite guards. The two men calmly walked out, but once out of the throne room, they used their speed to get to their Queens chambers.

Abigail sat at her desk, quail in hand. She had finally been able to sit down and find time to reply to her sisters letter from about a month ago. Though she was prepared to write a reply, her mind was blank. The words were troublesome, and heart wrenching, but what could Abigail do? Other than provide comfort.

     "My queen?"

Abigail looked up at the sound of her name. Her servant girl stood over her desk, watching her intently. Her eyes appeared concern for her wellbeing, but Abigail couldn't see why. "Are you okay? Do you need any refreshments?" She asked, gripping the silks of her maids gown tightly. She was no doubt nervous.

Clearing her throat, Abigail sat up straight. "I am fine. Some water will do though." She smiled at the girl, sending her off. The fire crackled, keeping the room warm, and providing extra light in this darker hour of the day. The sun was setting, leaving behind yet another day.

Abigail looked out at the greyish sky. The window was right on the wall behind her desk, and she loved the view she was given of the magnificent garden. She tightened the shawl around herself as she stood and looked down at the gardeners cleaning up some dead flowers. A knock at the chambers doors broke her gazing, and she turned to let the person come in. Both Demetri and Felix walked in, bowing in her presence. She smiled at the sight of her guards, and moved around her desk to greet them.

     "Demetri, Felix, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" She jokingly asked, giving them both a squeeze to their shoulder.

     "King Aro wishes to see you, my Queen." Demetri replies.

     "A rider in the night comes bringing news that he wishes to inform you about." Felix's adds, smiling down at the only human who could control a whole race of vampires. Raising her brow, Abigail looked over at the fire once more. Her mind raced back to her sister, and instantly felt worry spread through her veins, and tightens its hold on her lungs. "Lead the way boys." 

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